A week in the life of Jas

Day 6
Cleaning, I use a mixture or Aspen and Kaytee Clean & Cozy, Jas is a burrower and I think this combination works quite well. I spot clean every couple of days and clean her sand bathroom, but she tends to change her habits quite a bit, so I tend to do a slightly bigger clean once a week. As her cage is quite busy, with lots of hiding places, platforms and tunnels, the easiest way to clean, is to remove the top. Today we checked the right hand side, with a quick check on the left, but not much change there. I try to do a side at a time, because I will disturb her burrows, so I don’t want to do too much at the same time. I used the little dustpan and brush for the platforms and noted that the wheel will need a wipe tomorrow, don’t want to change too much today.
I do go through her hoards, for a quick check, at the moment her sputnik is a hoard (she does move them), I removed quite a bit and left only a little bit, so added a little bit of fresh food, so she doesn’t feel like she is being robbed.

'Mood diary' – H
Jas is a little bit moody today, doesn’t really want to be in the playpen, but doesn’t want to be in her cage. I think it's because she didn't come out much yesterday. She was eager again to come out today and jumped in her taxi.

I think these pictures capture 'what do you want?'

I also think those pictures capture 'What do you want?'. I really like the way you make any spot cleaning in stages to avoid any stress for Jas. As you say she is a bit moody do you think she is in season?
Whatever her mood she always manages to look adorable.
That’s a really good, thoughtful cleaning routine you have, I’m sure Jas appreciates the care you take not to disturb too much or steal her precious hoard!
I also think those pictures capture 'What do you want?'. I really like the way you make any spot cleaning in stages to avoid any stress for Jas. As you say she is a bit moody do you think she is in season?
Yes, I think she is in season today, but it's only for a few hours, so not quite yet. She wanted strokes in the play pen and climbed a bit where she knows I will help her a few times, she climbed in my hands, but only for a few seconds, I think she wanted some attention, but not too much, if that makes sense
Yes, I think she is in season today, but it's only for a few hours, so not quite yet. She wanted strokes in the play pen and climbed a bit where she knows I will help her a few times, she climbed in my hands, but only for a few seconds, I think she wanted some attention, but not too much, if that makes sense
That does make sense. I love that she will climb on your hands and seek attention from you. That really is so sweet. :)
Rainbow I think you were right, she was patiently waiting at the front of her cage a little while ago, as she wanted to come out again. She was so fast, lots of energy. One thing I have noticed, is that when she is in heat, she can be a bit clumsy. She won't make sure the way is clear, she just goes. She was in her playpen and there was a toilet roll in the way, as she is too big, I cut them, but they are still in a curve, and she almost jumped it, but didn't quite make it and turned straight round and chewed it, as if she was telling it off😂
Just catching up, what a fabulous thread on Jas, she’s so adorable, love all the photos and completely agree that they are very intelligent and can learn and respond to certain words. Jas looks very happy and comfortable in her home, cute how much she enjoys her flying saucer and that she’s loves a whimzee and will run off to hide it 🙂
Day 7
When I was thinking about this week, I wrote a list of things I would like to write about, so today is catch all. In Jas’ playpen at the moment is a wheel, saucer, water, food, sand bath, three hides, two tunnels and a dig box. I do mix and match, to keep it interesting for her. I haven’t mentioned weight, I do weigh Jas on a regular basis and she hovers around 190g, today was 188g. Not the easiest of the things to do, but actually she knows now what we are aiming at and will sit for a moment. Jas does climb, she climbs on her hides, she uses the cage to get to platforms (she does have bridges and much easier ways to get to the platforms, but prefers to climb), she also chooses to climb into her sputnik from the platform and not the nice easy bridge set up for her. Yesterday, I caught her on her night cam, climbing around the back of her wheel. I was not impressed, only she had no idea what I was going on about, when I was telling her earlier that she shouldn’t be climbing behind her wheel, she had done it hours ago.
I was trying to get some photos to finish the week, Jas thought this was fun, she was interested in the phone, so I showed her and she climbed on it😂. Funny how she doesn't really like to sit in my hand, but when there is a phone on it, it's fine😊
I think you will probably agree, if this week reveals anything, it is that you never know what to expect. Jas has moody days, as we all do, but she can also be the cutest and has a special quality, that can make me smile, even in trying times. I wouldn’t change my demanding, variety filled, clever, sneaky and wonderful baby girl for anything. I hope you have enjoyed this week and Thank you for reading


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Jas really is such a character, it made me smile to read about her climbing antics, the easy way to do things is obviously just to boring for Jas!
It’s been a great week, I really feel I’ve got to know her well & it’s been a very enjoyable read with lovely photos, thank you.
This week has been such a pleasure to read. I have loved hearing all about Jas and what she gets up to. It was lovely to see the pictures too. I also smiled reading how she climbs and chooses a more challenging way of climbing into her sputnik.

Thank you for sharing Jas' week with us. It was so enjoyable and you put so much work into it.
It’s been fabulous to read all about Jas‘s week. She’s such a beautiful girl, full of character and fun, keeping you on your toes 🙂 Great photo coming out of the tube, gorgeous.
I love those last two photos of Jas. She definitely has a sweet look about her. It's been a great thread and really interesting. She definitely is a special girl.
I also very much enjoyed your week and feel that i got to know the lovely Jas better.

She's definitely a girl with her own mind who likes to do things her way.

Thank you so much for giving us an insight into life with Jas and sharing those beautiful photos with us.