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  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Maz's post in the thread Bucatstate 2.0 or Savic 100?? with Like Like.
    These are the Viking laser perspex bedding panels - if you haven't seen them. When attached you have silver nuts showing on the...
  • S
    Socks Mum replied to the thread Bucatstate 2.0 or Savic 100??.
    I found bar climbing could be a problem as hamsters aren't good at climbing and when they get tired, just let go and drop. If there is...
  • clacombe
    clacombe replied to the thread Bucatstate 2.0 or Savic 100??.
    Nope! We got a big Niteangel a few years ago, and it's held up so well I can't justify replacing it even though there are some great new...
  • jendanger
    jendanger replied to the thread My pigs.
    I will see what I can find! I went to buy some things off Amazon but it looks like a lot of it is affected by these tariffs from the...
  • jendanger
    jendanger reacted to Socks Mum's post in the thread My pigs with Like Like.
    I also put snuggle safe heated pods into them during the day when I am out, which keeps the piggies cosy.
  • Maz
    Maz reacted to Socks Mum's post in the thread RIP Stash with Like Like.
    Very sad to hear your little Stash has passed. Snuggle softly at the bridge little one 🌈
  • Maz
    Maz replied to the thread Bucatstate 2.0 or Savic 100??.
    These are the Viking laser perspex bedding panels - if you haven't seen them. When attached you have silver nuts showing on the...
  • Maz
    Thanks to @Hammy Chum it has come to my attention that Pets at Home are selling the Savic Plaza 100 with 20% off right now - for the...
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Maz's post in the thread Bucatstate 2.0 or Savic 100?? with Love Love.
    Your reasons and pros and cons are mostly the same as mine :-) Although just because you can see through the perspex, doesn't always...
  • S
    Socks Mum replied to the thread RIP Stash.
    Very sad to hear your little Stash has passed. Snuggle softly at the bridge little one 🌈
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Lovelyness's post in the thread RIP Stash with Love Love.
    Oh, I’m sorry to hear this 💔 She did have the cutest butt 😘
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Maz's post in the thread Hamster Qs! with Love Love.
    He's a clever boy :-) I suspect he has learned that if he doesn't chuck out the smelly bedding himself, then someone will invade his...
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Hammy Chum's post in the thread Hamster Qs! with Love Love.
    So he's ok yes? That's normal?? Its a big pile I'm surprised he's got anything left inside!! I'm due to have a little inspection /...
  • S
    Socks Mum replied to the thread My pigs.
    I also put snuggle safe heated pods into them during the day when I am out, which keeps the piggies cosy.
  • Maz
    Maz replied to the thread Bucatstate 2.0 or Savic 100??.
    I think the main thing is that the hamster has more space :-) You would probably be happy with either. Which maybe doesn't help much...