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  • Hammy Chum
    Luna enjoying her forage box whilst taking a treat gently from my hand.. I love her to bits.
  • Hammy Chum
    Hammy Chum replied to the thread Shy hamster.
    Hello! Just thought I'd say hi as this as literally us!! Habitat 2 cage, and we upgraded Chum to the plaza 100 a few days ago...
  • dwarfhamstersmom
    dwarfhamstersmom reacted to Socks Mum's post in the thread Bobi!! with Like Like.
    I hope she gets better soon ❤️
  • dwarfhamstersmom
    dwarfhamstersmom reacted to Maz's post in the thread Bobi!! with Love Love.
    It could be an allergy or it could be mites. Hamsters can be allergic to any type of wood bedding. I think I would try changing the...
  • Hammy Chum
    Hammy Chum replied to the thread Chumlee 🐹.
    Last nights chosen sleeping place.... (spot the hole haha) he's getting nearer to the new nest at least....
    • IMG_7401.JPG
  • S
    Socks Mum replied to the thread Chumlee 🐹.
    Yes, they are very social with people ❤️
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Maz's post in the thread Chumlee 🐹 with Love Love.
    Aw that sounds great :-) So it'll be easy to have out of cage time and some socialising/taming then :-) I'd still wait two weeks...
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Maz's post in the thread Chumlee 🐹 with Love Love.
    Yes that's one option! I think it would be easy enough to spot clean if he is sleeping under the substrate, and in fact that might make...
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Maz's post in the thread Chumlee 🐹 with Love Love.
    I would give him a few days to decide and keep putting a trail of treats (eg sunflower seeds) up to the entrance and inside the house...
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Hammy Chum's post in the thread Chumlee 🐹 with Love Love.
    Just had a quick look in the house (as I know he's not in there!) - looks quite pristine. I also left a few dry treats in there.. he has...
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Hammy Chum's post in the thread Chumlee 🐹 with Love Love.
    Ok I am going to reverse the lida and put more treats in now, as I know hes asleep in the other corner. We're lucky in that he does...
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Maz's post in the thread Chumlee 🐹 with Love Love.
    I made the mistake once of having two good sized houses in the cage :-) A large multiroom house (which all my hamsters used to move...
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Hammy Chum's post in the thread Chumlee 🐹 with Love Love.
    He's out all the time from about 8.30pm! He doesnt seem to go back into his nest until about 7am haha.
  • S
    Socks Mum replied to the thread Saffron.
    That is the worry, that people mess about on the advertising pages 🙁
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to Eriathwen's post in the thread Saffron with Love Love.
    Oops 🫣