

Dwarfie Days
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Adaptations using Elmer's carpenter wood glue
Sand paper onto ladder covers gaps and provides grip plus hopefully files nails at the same time, platform on top of steps extending in solid pine for extra space to turn around and can be moved closer to shelf above no gap, bendy log ladder made safe with dowels filling in all gaps.


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How about replacing the sand paper with cork? Sand paper is quite rough for a hamsters delicate paws. I was reading today about a hamster with bumble foot whose owner put sand paper on the hamsters wheel. Sorry to be a downer after your hard work.
How about replacing the sand paper with cork? Sand paper is quite rough for a hamsters delicate paws. I was reading today about a hamster with bumble foot whose owner put sand paper on the hamsters wheel. Sorry to be a downer after your hard work.
Oh gosh I never thought of that it is the finest grade sandpaper available almost smooth infact do you think it will still be a bumblefoot risk I really don't want to take chances but thought it would be good for his claws
P.s also its not like running continuously on a wheel but I do appreciate your input
I really like the dowel idea of the bendy bridge and the little platform.

As for fine grade sandpaper, i really don't know if it could be harmful or keep the claws down. All i can say is that i wouldn't use it myself.
Can't say fairer than that do they not chew /digest cork though I presume not or you wouldn't have suggested it
I really like the dowel idea of the bendy bridge and the little platform.

As for fine grade sandpaper, i really don't know if it could be harmful or keep the claws down. All i can say is that i wouldn't use it myself.
Thanks Beryl that's 2 against the use of sandpaper I'd better go to b&q and see if I can buy a cork tile to stick over the top I really should have posted what I was planning on doing before I did it hindsight is a wonderful thing 🤔
I buy cork in a roll or tiles and stick them on platforms to make them less slippery. My hamsters have never chewed it but cork is used in a lot of hamster things. Cork lining in wheels for example.
I love the adaptations! But I also wouldn't use sandpaper. Cork would be better - or just wood. What is underneath the sandpaper?
I love the adaptations! But I also wouldn't use sandpaper. Cork would be better - or just wood. What is underneath the sandpaper?
It's wood but it had gaps all the way up and I was paranoid about him getting his foot through the gaps I will put cork over the top but it's quite a steep incline do you think cork would be too slippy I wish I'd have had dowels used on it but it was the nails wearing I thought was an advantage still so much to learn eh
Just had a brainwave (a rarity) I could turn it over and have dowels glued over the gaps what do you think


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You could just glue a piece of cardboard over it and glue dowel rungs to that? Or - and I have done this sometimes - glue a piece of hemp mat to it. If you happen to have hemp mat - its soft but also grippy. If you don't have any I could send you a piece :) I have quite a few small off cuts and it would only need a small piece.
I think turning it over & putting dowels over the gaps would work well, good idea.
I use little dowels for lots of things like that.
Shame about the sand paper as you obviosly put a lot of thought into that but I would avoid it too.
You could just glue a piece of cardboard over it and glue dowel rungs to that? Or - and I have done this sometimes - glue a piece of hemp mat to it. If you happen to have hemp mat - its soft but also grippy. If you don't have any I could send you a piece :) I have quite a few small off cuts and it would only need a small piece.
I've tried to message you but forgot how to send it🤔 I think I will go for the cardboard option to start with its the quickest one I think as the glue should dry fairly quickly but thank you so much for the offer
Cardboard glue drying slightly ridges but if he slips will add dowels pleased and thanks for all feedback
I had a similar problem with a bucatstate sand bath I ordered from Amazon. I didn‘t realise the ladder had slots so I glued dowels over the gaps.
Great idea to use hemp though Maz. I didn’t think of that and it would have been a lot quicker 🤦‍♀️


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