Allergy to Paper Bedding?


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I'm having such a struggle figuring out why my robo is itchy. I haven't changed anything in his environment or food, it came out of the blue. I have had him examined already once by a vet, he doesn't have mites.

Has anyone experienced their hamsters developing an allergy to paper bedding? Did you switch to a new brand? Did that help?

I'm in the US and have been using Kaytee Clean & Cozy, but was thinking I could try Carefresh or Small Pet Select paper bedding.

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An allergy to paper bedding id pretty unlikely & clean & cosy is a good one so I would think it’s likely to be something else.
Does he have a sand bath?
Skin problems can sometimes be a nutritional issue, sometimes evening primrose oil (one drop daily) & a few flax seeds daily can help.
Hello Rachel! Lovely to hear from you! Agree - allergy to paper bedding isn't something I've heard of. Although I have heard of allergy to Carefresh (which is not just paper - it's been through more chemical processes than paper to become cellulose). If it's just paper - like Boxo eg. Then it wouldn't be allergy. I'm not entirely sure what Kaytee Clean and cozy is either - that used to be cellulose as well (although less dusty than Carefresh).

I don't know what other pure paper bedding there is in the US. Other than Oxbow Pure Comfort. I've used that before and found it ok. It's not entirely dust free but it is just paper. I would try that. I don't know about the Small pet select one but if that is just paper then probably ok too. We're lucky in the Uk to have Fitch - which is recycled food grade paper.

It sounds like a process of elimination maybe. Try him with 100% paper bedding and if it doesn't clear up it must be something else.
I do remember a hamster owner going through something like this and trying everything by process of elimination. First onto paper bedding, then trying different sand, then removing the sand - I honestly can't remember the outcome though!
Thanks to you all for your suggestions! He does have a sand bath and also a little area of coconut fiber. I removed the coconut fiber at my vet's suggestion but kept the sand bath, I would think that might be helpful for itchy skin.

I did start to wonder if it was just the drop in humidity as we hit winter (I live pretty far north and it gets very cold and dry here). I know robos are semi-desert animals, but I've been trying a humidifier in his room to bring humidity up to 40%.

Right now he's on steroids so it's hard to tell if anything is helping yet, but once he's off them again we'll see if any of the changes help. Thank you again for all your thoughts, I'll give it a try!
Hello Rachel! Lovely to hear from you! Agree - allergy to paper bedding isn't something I've heard of. Although I have heard of allergy to Carefresh (which is not just paper - it's been through more chemical processes than paper to become cellulose). If it's just paper - like Boxo eg. Then it wouldn't be allergy. I'm not entirely sure what Kaytee Clean and cozy is either - that used to be cellulose as well (although less dusty than Carefresh).

I don't know what other pure paper bedding there is in the US. Other than Oxbow Pure Comfort. I've used that before and found it ok. It's not entirely dust free but it is just paper. I would try that. I don't know about the Small pet select one but if that is just paper then probably ok too. We're lucky in the Uk to have Fitch - which is recycled food grade paper.

It sounds like a process of elimination maybe. Try him with 100% paper bedding and if it doesn't clear up it must be something else.
huh, how interesting! I didn't know that it wasn't really paper! I'm not sure what C&C is, I'll have to look into that!
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I don't know what C&C is now either. It changed structure a few years ago - it used to be more long and stringy and now it's more just pieces, like Carefresh and others. It never did used to say on the packet what it was made of (which most did) - but the info was available. I know it's very popular and perfectly safe - just not sure if it's paper or hypoallergenic. It would be interesting to know!
I'm off looking ................. :ROFLMAO: . I don't have a bag at the moment but I don't think it says on the bag. One of the pet store descriptions says it's "paper based". Whatever that means. I did a lot of research into how cellulose was made some years back, when wanting to know what Carefresh was made of, and because it didn't feel like paper. At the time Kaytee was also cellulose but softer and stringier - but Kaytee changed the structure a few years ago.

My research showed that cellulose is made from wood pulp that has been through more processes - eg recycled paper and wood repulped. Whereas paper is made from tree wood pulp and goes through less processes. I found the info a long time ago and will see if I can find it again. It was in trying to work out how some pets can (apparently) be allergic to Carefresh and I could only think it was chemical residue from the extra processes. But that is just a guess. Whereas paper is hypoallergenic.

However both Kaytee and Carefresh are safe beddings (as you know!) It's just whether or not they could be hypoallergenic. If Kaytee C&C says it's "paper based" it sounds like it is probably a mix of recycled paper and recycled other pulp - but it does seem better quality than Carefresh. I've never heard of anyone having a hamster allergic to C&C.

But if a hamster had a suspected allergy, for process of elimination I would try paper bedding first, if it was me! If that makes no difference, then it's not bedding causing the allergy. While humans might react differently (I have skin allergies) - it can take 2 to 3 weeks for an allergy rash to disappear once the allergen is removed. And sometimes needs steroids to heal it up before it improves. Whether that's the same for hamsters I don't know, but I wouldn't expect it would disappear overnight!

I guess if you try hypoallergenic bedding for a few weeks and no difference, then try no sand for a few weeks and no difference - then it's not those - it's something else. I guess it could even be a food allergy.

I did read something recently that said Robos are not good with a lot of grain based and wheat based mixes like other hamsters - due to them not having so much of that in the wild - more seeds and insects. Whether that's true or not I have no idea. But wheat is one of the most common food allergens in humans.
Sorry just read he's already on steroids. Hope that helps. If that works and it comes back then it probably is an allergy to something.
I just had a look at my bag of clean & cosy & it just says made from ingredients that don’t contain harmful chemicals or by products but doesn’t say if it’s actually paper there is a bit about using offcuts from other materials in the environmentally friendly blurb so that sounds like paper but it is a bit obscure!
The whole recycling bit is a minefield! For example Fitch uses recycled food grade paper - so it's still been through a second process by the sound of it, but only uses food grade paper. There are other types of pulp made from recycled paper that isn't food grade - but even those have chemical inks removed etc usually.

I remember years ago reading something about recycled toilet paper having more chemicals in than non recycled toilet paper, even if it was environmentally friendlier!
The difference apparently is in whether it's virgin pulp (pulp made from trees and wood directly to turn into paper). Or non virgin pulp which is recycled wood and paper. So it's already been turned into paper and pulp before and gone through more process in recycling to make recycled paper. Most toilet paper (unless it's recycled toilet paper) is made from virgin pulp. It's just paper. Recycling saves trees but virgin pulp is less allergenic - is how I see it..
I know exactly what you mean about the recycling thing, so many things are not as environmentally friendly as they make out.
I haven’t used paper toilet paper for a long time now & often wonder if anyone will make a pet bedding from bamboo…
I doubt it - it probably wouldn't be economical enough! I'm guessing you're referring to bamboo toilet paper? That's supposed to be the best I think isn't it? Just looked that up :) Uses less chemicals than recycled toilet paper, biodegradable, antibacterial and antifungal, saves trees, hypoallergenic, saves trees. It sounds good!

I think bedding manufacturers want to make profits though.

But - it doesn't mean everything that says Bamboo will be safe. It depends what they make with it. I just googled bamboo pet bedding and came up with this. It's misleading. People will think it's safe because it says "bamboo" but it's just fluffy bedding! :mad: Rayon derived from bamboo.

Yes I use bamboo, I won’t even use white bamboo though I use Naked sprout no chemicals at all.
I’m sure it could be profitable to make a pet bedding but probably not enough for the big companies to want to invest in the start up.
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