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Hi all,
I have two male syrian hamsters (different cages of course!). I previously had a female who was very social and came out and climbed up my arms to sit on my shoulder and crawl around. She came out almost every evening. My two new boys hardly ever come out. I've had them for almost a year now. Gilly (the younger of the two) sometimes is out and is fine with me taking him out and holding him. But he prefers to explore my bed instead of being held and pet. He'll take treats from my hand and such as well. Napoleon (my older male) originally scurried away whenever I came into my room. He mostly hangs out now but still finds cover when I come in usually. When I clean his cage he'll explore my hands and take treats from me. He's also okay if I pick him up and hold him while I clean. I've noticed that he doesn't explore his cage very much (75 gallon). I've come to the conclusion that his vision isn't very good. I was just wondering if male hamsters are just less social and maybe lazier than females? Have others experienced this difference between males and females or did I just happen to get two antisocial little dudes?
Hello and welcome :-) They both sound adorable. Generally males do have a reputation for being a bit lazy! However their personalities vary. Most of my males have been slightly lazy or shy and "home bods" - ie not that bothered about coming out more than a couple of times a week. But I currently have two male syrians as well - and one has always been incredibly active and wanting to be out every night. The other is slower and more cautious.

Having said that I've found you can create a lovely bond with the shy cautious ones, with a bit of time and patience. Our first Syrian, once he was tame, would go to sleep on my knee :-) Whereas an active hamster probably wouldn't sit still long enough for that.

It must be quite a contrast when you've had a female as they can be notorious for being extremely active.

Have you had them long?
Hi all,
I have two male syrian hamsters (different cages of course!). I previously had a female who was very social and came out and climbed up my arms to sit on my shoulder and crawl around. She came out almost every evening. My two new boys hardly ever come out. I've had them for almost a year now. Gilly (the younger of the two) sometimes is out and is fine with me taking him out and holding him. But he prefers to explore my bed instead of being held and pet. He'll take treats from my hand and such as well. Napoleon (my older male) originally scurried away whenever I came into my room. He mostly hangs out now but still finds cover when I come in usually. When I clean his cage he'll explore my hands and take treats from me. He's also okay if I pick him up and hold him while I clean. I've noticed that he doesn't explore his cage very much (75 gallon). I've come to the conclusion that his vision isn't very good. I was just wondering if male hamsters are just less social and maybe lazier than females? Have others experienced this difference between males and females or did I just happen to get two antisocial little dudes?
Yes! We are on our second male Syrian and they've both been very gentle and timid. I also sometimes wonder about our current hamster's vision. We've had him for over a year and he accepts petting while he eats and takes food from our hands, but otherwise would prefer not to be handled and doesn't even seem to prefer free roam time, though we give it to him a couple times a week. He prefers to come out to play our forage when we're asleep. He is very gentle when being held and tends to sit still and tolerate it for a bit (now that he's acclimated to us), but I feel "tolerate"is the right word for his attitude about being held. I had females when I was younger and didn't realize the disposition varied so much between the gender until getting males as an adult, even though I know they can vary by individual traits as well. I felt the same learning curve you're describing.
Hi all,
I have two male syrian hamsters (different cages of course!). I previously had a female who was very social and came out and climbed up my arms to sit on my shoulder and crawl around. She came out almost every evening. My two new boys hardly ever come out. I've had them for almost a year now. Gilly (the younger of the two) sometimes is out and is fine with me taking him out and holding him. But he prefers to explore my bed instead of being held and pet. He'll take treats from my hand and such as well. Napoleon (my older male) originally scurried away whenever I came into my room. He mostly hangs out now but still finds cover when I come in usually. When I clean his cage he'll explore my hands and take treats from me. He's also okay if I pick him up and hold him while I clean. I've noticed that he doesn't explore his cage very much (75 gallon). I've come to the conclusion that his vision isn't very good. I was just wondering if male hamsters are just less social and maybe lazier than females? Have others experienced this difference between males and females or did I just happen to get two antisocial little dudes?
I’m having the same problem with my male Syrian but previously my others have been out without a problem and I have been able to tame them but my latest is very nervous and will sit watching me from his hideout. He will take treats and as soon as I go to bed he comes out and is on his wheel etc.
I’m a very experienced owner but little Frankie is certainly testing me!😝
Previous females I have had have been very different but I wouldn’t say social. They have bitten etc but the males have been calmer. If we think of it, hamsters are like us really. They all have different personalities and I have loved each and every one of mine❤️