Balsa wood


Dwarfie Days
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My o/h uses lots of Balsa wood and I'm wondering if its a safe material to use make items for hamsters and if so what is glue that is also safe and holds together well tia
I’m really not sure about balsa wood being safe, it is very soft though so even if it is safe it could get chewed very quickly.
I use ponal glue too but there are cheaper pva glues that are safe, I’m not sure if they all are though so it’s best to check before using them.
Balsa wood is safe, but it is soft as elusive says. It may be destroyed quickly if your hamster is so inclined and may not be suitable for weight-bearing things like platforms.

For most wooden things, I find a PVA craft glue good enough (if you look for one marketed for children's crafts or schools you can be sure it's safe), but there are non-toxic wood glues like Ponal which are a bit stronger.
Balsa wood is safe, but it is soft as elusive says. It may be destroyed quickly if your hamster is so inclined and may not be suitable for weight-bearing things like platforms.

For most wooden things, I find a PVA craft glue good enough (if you look for one marketed for children's crafts or schools you can be sure it's safe), but there are non-toxic wood glues like Ponal which are a bit stronger.
Thank you Pete isn't much for chewing things he only tends to chew/eat his whimzees or seed balls so hopefully the balsa wood wouldn't tempt him either but will be observant just in case :)
I think pine or hardwood would be better. Or formaldehyde-free plywood. I use ponal glue and it’s great. It glued rock solid, no fumes, hardly any odour at all and the bottle lasts for years. It’s about £12 a bottle online but I have used it for so many things since getting it.
I think pine or hardwood would be better. Or formaldehyde-free plywood. I use ponal glue and it’s great. It glued rock solid, no fumes, hardly any odour at all and the bottle lasts for years. It’s about £12 a bottle online but I have used it for so many things since getting it.
Thank you because o/h wasn't happy about me raiding his Balsa wood stash seemingly it's now very expensive 😏