Bathtub taming/socialising


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As I have been somewhat grounded recently, I spent some time making a video of Tino's bathtub taming/socialising journey, by going through all the little clips and editing them together and showing a timescale :-) You can see him get bigger along the way. I've added it to the taming article comments as well as it shows visually what the article tries to explain, which can be easier than words. ie just leaving them to play mostly and occasionally trying a stroke or offering a hand, then leaving it for a week, then a bit more. And eventually they get used to the hand being around and are happy to walk onto it and be lifted. I haven't got the last stage on it, where he walks on to my hands or walks between them, or being held, as I had my hands full of hamster!

Lovely video, his steady progress is a pleasure to watch!
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Thank you. I liked putting all the clips together and seeing him grow :-)
Aw thanks. How is your hammy doing? :-)
Dusty seems to be doing fine. We don't catch him out much in person, but my camera shows he has been out around 6 to 8pm most days. There for awhile he was out from about 11am to about 2 pm a few days. Which is a long time for him to be out. I now have two mini cameras up to be able to see all of his cage. Here is a picture of the set up with the cameras in the front upper corners of the cage. I had a time getting the mounts to stay up. The stickers they provided didn't last even a day. So I used my Hot glue gun to glue the mounts to the cage wall. So far so good. The slats in the lid of this cage work well to thread the charging cords through and I taped the cords up on the wall near the cameras. So far it works well. And I can close the lid just fine.