Bedding question


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I use kaytee clean and cozy for my russian dwarf hamster. I give her 15-20 bedding and try to press it together as much as possible, so it is stronger for tunnel building.
My hamster doesn't seem to make any tunnels, maybe a small hole now and then.
Am i doing something wrong? Or is kaytee clean&cozy not good for tunneling?
I think Kaytee bedding is brilliant for tunnels. Maybe Hammie does not want take tunnels. Dwarf hamsters often make horizontal type tunnels and perhaps she is doing that. :)
Ok maybe she isn't a big tunneler.
She also has a multiple chamer house and maybe she doesn't feel the need for tunneling. Or could i mix the kaytee with something like greenmile bedding for better tunneling?
I would leave it just as it is. She may not feel the need to tunnel as she is enjoying using her MCH.
Some hamsters tunnel & burrow more than others, Kaytee is fine for burrowing though so I doubt that is an issue at all.
Some just dig down a bit under the house or under a platform somewhere in the cage rather than really making tunnels so I wouldn’t worry about it, as long as she has the opportunity she will if she wants to.