Blossom 🌸

Just knocked up a new toilet roll treat ball for Miss B as she chewed the last one...took all of about 30 seconds to make! She does like to push it around til she gets her treat out, usually a peanut 🥜 20240106_172433.jpg
I don’t know what’s got into Blossom tonight! She has been super active all evening since having her tea. At first, she was playing nicely in her enclosure, digging in her dig box, burrowing etc, but then I looked round and she was swinging from the roof! I have never seen her doing that before!! I got her out and put her in her play box. Initially, she just wanted to get out, but then did play nicely in it for quite a while, digging in her dig box, burrowing and playing in her tunnels. She’s still really active in her enclosure now…she did head for the bars of the lid a couple of times, but did get down when I gave her a stern ‘no’. She has always been really happy in her enclosure. She is due for a refresh of bedding, so I might give her enclosure a bit of a refresh too and change her layout to keep her busy. She is just about calming down now…phew! Little monkey! 🐵