Bucatstate 120 on it's way

Is it my imagination or is the front panel upside down on that photo?! It looks like the door is at the bottom (and it is supposed to be at the top).
Is it my imagination or is the front panel upside down on that photo?! It looks like the door is at the bottom (and it is supposed to be at the top).
I think the door is open so that it's hanging down. But at first glance I thought it was upside down too!

It's great to hear a 120cm Bucatstate will be available soon. I wish I had space for one (or two). I have two 100cm versions and they're really excellent cages.
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From the video it also looks like they're making a wood effect version as well as the black and white, which will be nice for those who like natural-themed cages.
I think the door is open so that it's hanging down. But at first glance I thought it was upside down too!

It's great to hear a 120cm Bucatstate will be available soon. I wish I had space for one (or two). I have two 100cm versions and they're really excellent cages.
Oh good point - yes the door is probably hanging down :-)