Can My Hamster Catch Strep Throat?

Hammie Heart

Hamster Fanatic
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I went to the doctor's this morning because I suspected that I had strep throat. I did. I was really looking forward to having a little training session with L. Bear tonight, but I didn't know if he could catch it. I didn't want to make him sick! I asked my Alexa if hamsters could catch it since I was still contagious. Her response was "Sorry, I don't have an answer for that." Knowing that Google doesn't give correct responses all the time, I came on here. So, can I still have my session tonight? Thank you for any speedy responses!
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I believe it is possible for hamsters to catch human colds. I have a chest infection at the moment. I haven't handled my hamster for a couple of weeks as I haven't wanted to pass anything on to her. I have washed my hands well before feeding her, and been quite quick with putting food in her enclosure. I did clean her out today but washed my hands and wore a mask. She seems perfectly OK but I'd rather err on the side of caution 👍
Strep throat is caused by a particular bacteria and the type of disease it causes depends on where you get infected. If you get the infection in your throat or mouth, you can get strep throat. But you can also get strep skin infections and other infections in other areas.

I think it's quite unlikely for a hamster to get strep throat from you. Theoretically if you had the bacteria on your hands or if you coughed or sneezed on your hamster while ill, they could get sick with a skin infection or something else. So I don't think you need to be too worried but I'd recommend washing your hands before handling or feeding your hamster, avoid holding him close to your face while you're sick, and possibly wearing a mask while around him, or at least avoiding coughing/sneezing directly at him.
Wash your hands well.
Don't sneeze or cough on the hamster.
Limited handling of hamster.

I hope you feel better soon 💕
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