Check Up?


Flying Saucer Hand
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Curious if anyone takes their hamster to the vet just for a regular checkup? Thinking of giving Henry one at his first birthday, fortunately he's been in great health so far.
I do not think there is any need with hamsters. I feel like they are not the kind of animal that a vet would be able to give a check up to unlike a dog or cat were there are certain things to look for. I think you would know if he was unwell. It is wonderful to hear Henry is in great health. :)
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As Rainbow said. I never take them unless there is a sign of an issue - a lump, fur loss etc. A vet visit can be quite a stressful experience for hamsters. Sometimes it’s necessary and they get over it.

If he’s eating, drinking and active and no signs of anything, best to just let them keep hamstering along.
I agree too, vet visits can be stressful & only need to be done when there is a sign that something is wrong.
If there’s no symptoms of any health issues that you can’t see doing a general health check for things like teeth, nails, skin & coat condition & any signs of anything abnormal like lumps or sudden weightless then it’s unlikely a vet is going to find anything.
Maybe do a little general health check yourself - when you handle him just gently feel to see there are no unusual lumps. When he’s sitting on something you can look at his nails to see if they’ve got a bit long. If he’s eating well then his teeth are probably fine but if he yawns at some point you can have a look and see the four front ones are there and not broken.

Nails are one thing that might need a trip to the vets the first time so they can show you how to clip them yourself the next time. Snipping rather than clipping as it’s only the very tips that get snipped so it doesn’t cut the quick of the nail as that can bleed a lot.

Maybe weigh him every couple of weeks. This can be done without causing stress if you have flat digital scales. I just stand those on a book (on the bed eg) so they have a firm flat surface, put a smelly treat in the middle - cheese or cucumber eg - then zero them. The hamster tends to hop on them and sit there eating the treat and you can read the scales.

I think it’s one reason regular handling (at least weekly) is important as you soon feel a lump if you hold them- another reason why hamsters need to be at least semi tamed. If left to do their own thing in a cage for long periods (which I know you don’t but some do) things like that can be missed and they usually need prompt treatment.
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