
Socks Mum

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I have ordered a bag of Chipsi wood shavings bedding for my C&C guinea pig cage. I'll give you a report on what it's like once it's in their cage. I thought Summer would be a good time to try it out as I can open the windows to air the flat if necessary. Socks sleeps in a mixture of paper and birch chip bedding, but the gin gins produce a healthy quantity of poop, so go through more bedding.
I have ordered a bag of Chipsi wood shavings bedding for my C&C guinea pig cage. I'll give you a report on what it's like once it's in their cage. I thought Summer would be a good time to try it out as I can open the windows to air the flat if necessary. Socks sleeps in a mixture of paper and birch chip bedding, but the gin gins produce a healthy quantity of poop, so go through more bedding.
I'm interested to know what it's like too as it's supposed to be ok for hamsters, and I'd consider using it if I get another hamster at some point.

I also have piggies and the poop struggle is real. 😆 They're literally poo machines. 🙈😆
Yes, they are quite casual about dropping little poops around 😄 I'll post about the Chipsi. It's on its way, but should be here soon.
It’s basically just wood shavings - part pine, part spruce. Chipsi won’t say what percentage is spruce and say it varies. So it’s kind of a degree better than standard pine shavings and German pine shavings are supposed to be kiln dried to a high standard. It’s an option but personally I prefer not to use pine shavings.
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The Chipsi is here. It smells OK, but I can smell pine In it. It is soft and foot friendly. It's crumbly, dry and flaky, quite nice to handle. I think for guinea pigs, if your room is well ventilated, it should be OK and should off-gas enough not to over power one. Water seems to run through it alot. I will put a layer in hide as one of my piggies likes to wee in his bed. I'm hoping that the surface will stay dry as regular shavings tend to become damp quite easily. Hemp is quite good at keeping the surface dry, but isn't as soft as wood shavings.


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Can you see if the two different woods are different colours at all? I did read one owner say they could tell what was pine and what was spruce by the woods being a different colour.
They are nice! I will need some for winter so the piggies aren't sleeping on damp bedding. The Chipsi is slightly more absorbent than ordinary wood shavings, but hemp is better. I share a washing machine, so have to be careful what I put in it, although the horse bag I use works very well. It's a big nylon bag with a zip that holds the gin gins' fleece during washing and stops hair and hay from going into the washing machine.
My stepdaughter asked me to make reusable pee pads for her guinea pigs! You can buy them too!
Yeah that's what I use on their main areas. It was for their hay tray area I was Interested in the chipsi for and possibly a hamster but if it's mostly pine it's no use for a hamster ☹️. It's hard to find good paper bedding that's not extortionate, small pet select has become quite dusty. And I don't like teabag bedding as it's long strands and it's usually dwarf hamsters I keep. Think I'll stick to pine shavings for their hay tray as it's under the pile of hay.


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