
He really is - beautiful and gentle. Don't worry about lifting the roof to empty the litter tray :) It's necessary. I need to do it a couple of times a week as well. And what you describe is very common! Most of my syrians have done that - investigated the area where the litter tray was and then plonked themselves there so you can't put it back easily! Sort of guarding the area I think - or just being nosey and wondering what's going on. Raffy did that quite recently so I had to continue lowering the cleaned out litter tray with new sand, gently until he moved out of the way a bit! Or gently guide him out of the way. They usually appreciate it when it's done :) I know Raffy does.

I try and do it when he's out of the cage but it's not always possible, so then I do it at a time he's more likely to be awake. Eg early to mid evening. I think Cinnamon is so lovely and mellow and will become more so - and maybe a bit more chilled and interactive, as he gets older :) He is clearly very comfortable with your daughter.
That's great to hear about the litter tray! Makes me feel a little more confident in what I did and doing that every so often if he hasn't come out. I can usually count on him to be awake at the time we switch out his food (usually around 9pm or 930) and when I'm more likely to treat to clean the inside tray; he's just not always in the mood to be social then!

I'll be looking forward to his evolution as he ages as I'm sure CC will, too!
This morning Cinnamon was hard at work stuffing up his entrance! Photo enclosed of the inside of his hideaway when I took the lid off tonight to see what was going on.

Last video- he had no trouble re-entering his stuffed hole tonight! ...Though I had to open his hideaway earlier to take him out more easily... (the lid to his hideaway was bumping as he tried to respond to my invitation to come out).

It's lovely he lets you stroke him :-) They do do that stuffing the doorway thing when they sense it's getting colder usually. Although on the first video it looks to me like he's cleaning his house out. They do that sometimes - they chuck out any bedding that is getting old and drag new bedding inside as well sometimes. I once came down to find a big hole in the substrate almost down to the base of the cage (when I only had 6" of bedding in) and a load of stinky bedding by the door of the cage! So I just added some more and took the stinky stuff away :)

Or he may be was just overly vigorous blocking the doorway. Sometimes it happens by mistake when they dig a tunnel and kick the bedding out between them.

He is lovely and seems very laid back. I always like it when spring comes and they seem to hide away a bit less.
It's lovely he lets you stroke him :) They do do that stuffing the doorway thing when they sense it's getting colder usually. Although on the first video it looks to me like he's cleaning his house out. They do that sometimes - they chuck out any bedding that is getting old and drag new bedding inside as well sometimes. I once came down to find a big hole in the substrate almost down to the base of the cage (when I only had 6" of bedding in) and a load of stinky bedding by the door of the cage! So I just added some more and took the stinky stuff away :)

Or he may be was just overly vigorous blocking the doorway. Sometimes it happens by mistake when they dig a tunnel and kick the bedding out between them.

He is lovely and seems very laid back. I always like it when spring comes and they seem to hide away a bit less.
It is! He's so sweet. Yes to the possibilities for his bedding- it's hard to say which reason. It is getting cooler and also the day before we had some roof work done so it could have been noisy. At the same time, his hideaway looked very neat on the inside and I added some new bedding recently, so he could have been rearranging. Even though he mostly uses his litter tray, I did end up feeling like there was some additional damp bedding near where he carved out a new space, so it could have been extra cleaning? I cleaned the litter tray and additionally swapped out some of the bedding that felt damp or seemed smelly.

We ended up having a big play session inbetween his"renovations"and my video of putting him back. My daughter's friend, who typically tends to him when we travel, hadn't seen him in awhile and that is what led me to waking him a little early (about 6pm)- well he woke on his own but I was calling to him and then lifted the lid to take him out more easily when I heard him pushing on it. He ended up zooming all over our free roam room while they watched him and I freshened his hideaway.

He did come out later at night again when we were asleep to get the rest of his food. He managed to slip in and out of his entrance keeping the door still quite plugged! But hamsters ARE good at moving in and out of bedding!
Cinna-claus came out pretty easily for some salad yesterday after we'd left him alone for a few days. That was good because I could smell his interior toilet when I stuck my head in his cage, and with him coming out I didn't have to feel like I was taking his roof off and disturbing him, even though that has to be done sometimes. He put up with us for a little Christmas photo shoot! Yes, I put some seeds in the cave to lure him in.
We did have a mini "photoshopped" Christmas photos competition last year - but it didn't get much interest. I could start that one again if you like :-) Any kind of stickers or image manipulation can be used then - just for fun :-) You could enter it on there too :)
Here you go :) You can enter ones with "extras" here! Be as creative as you want!

That’s a great Christmas photo shoot! I especially love the last one 😍
My husband was keeping an eye on him while I cleaned out his hideaway litter tray. He knows how shy Cinnamon is so he intentionally stood the tunnel up so that Cinnamon could feel like he had privacy while eating. Then when I came back in he heard me talking and calling to him and it was clear that he wanted to see what was up outside without fully exposing himself (hence peeking his eyes out). Hilarious!
Here you go :) You can enter ones with "extras" here! Be as creative as you want!

Oh! :LOL: fantastic!
Gorgeous photos, all of them :) But I especially like the middle one for quirkiness!
That was fun because I put some seeds in there to see if I could get him to go in and then snap a picture of his face poking out, but he just sat there with his butt out pouching and nibbling away. I think I have a short video that I'll share (of it) when I get a chance to upload it.
We didn't expect to take him out last night, but my daughter was having a sad evening and said seeing Cinnamon world make her feel better. He was awake but not fully coming out, so I took the roof off of his house and gently coaxed him out with some food. We actually had a lovely session hand feeding him and letting him explore the play pen we set up, but it also allowed us to introduce him to his new fuzzbutt! We are waiting to put it into his cage until the weekend when I do a little bit of a cleanup. And rearrange a few things in there.

Wow that got there quick! I thought it would take longer! It's lovely seeing Cinnamon in it :) I also love seeing them peeping out of the front window :) Fuzzbutt is actually quite appropriate for him as well with his lovely coat tail :)