Cleaning routine


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I have a question about cleaning.
My russian dwarf lives in a 80x40x50cm tank, with about 20cm deep bedding.
She hoards her food a lot in her multiplechamber house, she also uses a chamber for pooping/ peeing and one sleeping there.
I try to get the dirty/ wet spots out every week, and also clean the sandbath and wheel weekly.
But how often should i clean the complete tank and bedding? (Kaytee clean and cozy)
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I would only do a complete change of bedding and deep cleaning in the case of illness or mites. If you were to do this then it would cause her to be stressed as all her scent is removed.

I love the picture in your avatar! What is her name? She is so cute.

This is an article about cage cleaning.
I never do the complete substrate, if you think it needs cleaning you could do about a third up to a half at a time & even that no more than every few months.
Apart from the pee spot the cage tends to stay quite clean & really doesn’t need substrate replacing very often.
If you do clean a section keep back some of the old substrate to scatter on top.
When I had a Russian dwarf, about every 6 months I used to empty the cage but keep most of the bedding (only throwing away the dirty/smelly bedding). You do get dust etc accumulating on the bottom of the cage which should be removed occasionally. So I would take the bedding and everything out, throw away all the accumulated dust/sand/debris from the bottom, and put the clean bedding back topped up with new. This does mean destroying their tunnels so I wouldn't do it too often but once in a while.