Currently available Hamster mixes

Let us know how the hamsters find it :-) I think your Syrians are over a year old aren't they, so you shouldn't need to increase the protein level. If mixed with Harry Hamster that would increase the protein level slightly anyway.
It's currently in the freezer. I'm curious to find out how the hamsters rate it. The Syrians are 17mths and 15mths approx but Jack could be older. He was very large when i rescued him and didn't look the size of a 3mths old.
The little one mix looks nice. I think Hams would like this because of all the little seeds 😃
Yes, i think Hams might like it. I'll leave it in the freezer for a couple more days and then dish it up in a separate bowl to see which one they go for.
That's what the little ONE Syrian mix looks like. It smells pleasant but fruity. Fruitsugar (Fructo-Oligosaccaride) is a listed ingredient at 0.2% which i'm not happy about. I just took it out from the freezer and will feed the usual Harry Hamster but will add a small dish of this later to see what the response from Jack and Clive will be.

I do like the texture of the above mix. Not as chunky as Harry Hamster and not small grained and herby like a typical continental mix. It's somewhere inbetween minus the herbs.
Hmm. Fruity doesn't sound too good - maybe that's to tempt them to eat it. It kind of looks a bit like breakfast muesli!
Yes but i can't see any fruit in it. I think the fruitsugar is added to add flavour which isn't good either. I don't know what to make of it.

I wouldn't feed it as the only mix because of that. It looks nice and not so artificial and colourful as the Harry Hamster. Saying that, appearance doesn't mean much.

A lot of human food is made to look wholesome but is full of crap.
Exactly why use it when you have a more normal one - lol. As an extra treat, you can see if they like it as well anyway.
Exactly why use it when you have a more normal one - lol. As an extra treat, you can see if they like it as well anyway.
I suppose i'm looking for variety and maybe the possibility to find one that is better quality than Harry Hamster. That's not the one though.
I'll see what the boys think by offering a little in a separate dish. If it's a non starter then it will end up in the park.
Need to go there anyway with a petshop own brand muesli that came with Lilly.
FOS isn’t a fruit sugar as such, I don’t know for sure about hams but humans can’t digest it & it’s commonly used as a prebiotic & may work the same for hams so it’s not the same as having actual fruit in a mix. It comes from various plants but I think the most common one is chicory root.
Confusing. I just googled it, and as Cypher says it is a prebiotic. It's also a plant based sugar, so still a sugar - but not toxic.
Oh i see and thank you for researching it. So it may even be beneficial.
Jack has his nose stuck in the new food and Clive climbed into the playground beech chips dig box where i've hidden some. They are both crunching away now.
I've just put Jack back in his cage after a freeroam which always makes him hungry.

He walked past the bowl with the Harry Hamster (freshly put in tonight) and straight to the bowl with the new food on the higher shelf.

It could be that he fancied something new but they seem to like it.
😂 seems as though they like it 😁 or it could just be because it’s something a little different to their normal? It looks really nice.
From the photo, I think he’ll most definitely like this one, he tends to eat all the small bits of the harry hamster over any of the chunky bits, I’m going to give it a try 👍

Also going to order some of the science selective pellets as bizarrely Hams likes the p@h plain pellets, but from reading everyone’s post the science selective are clearly the better ones nutritionally.
Nobody here eats the chunky green bits of the Harry Hamster.

Yes, the Science Selective is a good one. I chuck a few pellets in all the cages now and again. The old boys liked them softened.
The Little One dwarf hamster mix is out of the freezer now and in their bowls with half Bunny Dreams.
I'm curious to see which the Robos prefer. They are connoiseurs whereas dwarf Lilly is a bin and will pouch the lot.

The mix in the left jar is the Little One and the mix in the right Kilner jar is the Bunny Dreams.
