Diabetes Symptoms?

Hammie Heart

Hamster Fanatic
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I have accidentally been feeding fruit and peanut butter, just until recently when Elusive pointed out they were not the best for Chinese hams. Should I be watching for symptoms? If so, what should I be looking for? I will say that I was feeding them for a least three weeks... but now I know it's not the best. Instead of fruits, what are some other things that you think he'd like?

-Hammie Heart🐹
Beryl wrote a detailed post about a diabetic hamster she had, Percy. I have linked it for you. It taught me such a lot and perhaps you will find it helpful.

As for food for your hamster, check out the food article on the home page.
Don't worry about looking out for any symptoms just yet if it's only been a few weeks. I'm sure your hamster is fine. It is more a long term idea for preventative onset of diabetes. It's not something that would suddenly happen because you gave fruit and peanut butter recently. It's more about longer term having the best diet and a sugar free diet :-) So I'm sure everything will be fine.

Not all Chinese hamsters will develop diabetes - it's genetically inherited, but no way of knowing which will develop it and which won't so best to do the prevention just in case. And a sugar free diet is healthy anyway! Hamsters can still get tooth decay!

If a hamster is going to develop diabetes it is usually when they are older and the link above may give you some indication. You would know if it happened I think. Others who have had Chinese hamsters will no doubt come along and let you know what signs are if and when it happens.

But for now, just enjoy your hamster and don't worry about it :) Your hammy is young and healthy and I am sure will live a long and healthy life and hopefully won't get diabetes.
Incidentally, although Beryl's post linked above mentions avoiding protein like egg etc, that is only if a hamster has diabetes and symptoms of it. Protein is fine when a hamster is not unwell. And protein supplements for a young hamster are important so a bit of scrambled or boiled egg now and then is fine.
It is unlikely that you’re hamster will suddenly show signs of diabetes after a few weeks of feeding some sweeter foods so I wouldn’t worry too much right now.
The most obvious symptom you will see if they do develop diabetes is an increased thirst, so they drink a lot, they often lose weight & there can be behavioural changes as well.
The only way to know for sure if a hamster has diabetes is to test the urine but you’d only need to do this if there were already symptoms like drinking a lot.
The main thing is to stick to a healthy diet, a good hamster mix with no fruit or other sugars, protien levels need to be kept high enough for a young hamster that’s around 18–20% (it should say on your hamster mix how much protein it contains) fats in the diet should be kept fairly low too so not too many fatty treats.
You can give fresh veg every day, just small amounts which they enjoy. Check the list Rainbow linked to.
Chinese hamsters can develop diabetes at any age & often quite young so it’s good to keep an eye on general health & be aware of the symptoms that may indicate a problem.
But also try not to worry :) As long as your hammy is active and seems healthy, there is nothing to worry about. It's only if they seem not quite themselves or losing weight you need to wonder what's going on, and that can happen with any illness. It's just the luck of the genes. Chinese hamsters are such wonderful pets.