Dig box


Dwarfie Days
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I am wanting to make a dig box for Pete it will have to be a DIY job so I would like any advice on the best way to do this I have numerous sizes of shoe boxes and lots of substrate but don't think just putting the substrate into the box (lid off) and adding Pete isn't the way to do or is it or is it 😏
Just putting the substrate into the box is fine. What concerns you about doing it that way? You could put his little steps in front so he can climb into it. 🙂
He will just climb into it and explore. Do you mean the dig box is for in the cage or out of it? In the cage he could just climb in. Out of the cage, some little steps would help him get in. Hamsters are quite independent though and I don't think he would like to be put in it and would prefer to climb in and explore. A way to tempt him in might be to put a little trail of sunflower seeds up the steps and then scatter some food or treats, and part bury some. He will sniff his way there. Raffy is much bigger, being a Syrian and a shoe box with cardboard pieces in worked fine. He was not the slightest bit interested in digging, just retrieving the food and then leaving lol. But that's some Syrians for you.
Thank you for your input my concern was more how will he get out the expenses wooden ones seem to be very deep like a tall tower with open top and exit hole at the bottom the shoe boxes are around 7 or 8 " shall I cut an exit into one end unfortunately there is no room for it in his cage so it's just something else to add to his playpen he needs a bigger cage I need a bigger bungalow don't tell o/h I said that 😲
I think I know the ones you mean and I personally do not like that design as I think they are too tall. I have always used dig boxes from Happy Henry Homes and they have a different design to that. A shoe box is a great idea for a dig box and I think it is a nice height for Pete to be able to climb into.

If you are going to use it in his playpen then perhaps you could put something in front of it like the little steps you bought or a cork log bridge. If you do not have one then anything will do really. By cutting a hole in it you may find the substrate goes all over the playpen. :)
I also don't like the design of those tall ones. A shoebox would be perfectly and see how he gets on with it. I assumed it was for the playpen and the new little steps sounds a good idea, as Rainbow mentioned.
I just put cheap cat litter trays and plastic boxes inside a big storage box to keep everything in. Sure, i had to cut a door out but you can use a big cardboard box instead of a storage box. Add different substrates, food to forage for followed by Pete and it should be happy days allround.
I just put cheap cat litter trays and plastic boxes inside a big storage box to keep everything in. Sure, i had to cut a door out but you can use a big cardboard box instead of a storage box. Add different substrates, food to forage for followed by Pete and it should be happy days allround.
I like the idea of a storage box I could use it like a second playpen and put it in the loft with the lid on after Pete has got fed up with it and dozed off as he does in his ceramic hide after his playpen time
I would try him with a dig box in the playpen first maybe, and see if he's interested in it. It doesn't have to be particularly big.