
I don't think the scale can be right if he's 3 months old :-) The Syrian weight range is usually between 100g and 300g. He doesn't look undersized or undernourished to me. I use these flatbed digital scales. They're not too expensive and accurate unless the battery is going down! They make it easy as well as you just put a treat like cucumber in the middle, then zero the scales so the cucumber weight is discounted, and the hamster just walks on and sits eating the treat while you read the scales.


He looks perfectly healthy to me :-)
That scale looks as the same as mine. I will try to scale another thing to make sure the accuracy. I think like that too, Dumbo looks healthy and his coat growth well. Next week i scale him once more
Today is the first time Dumbo went for free roam. Dumbo still not interested with free roam, its only for 30mins and he want to go back to his home. However its a nice time for him to get some treat and explore a bit.

Thirty minutes isn't bad. Socks chews and climbs and stares out of his cage like a prisoner, and then wants to come back after about thirty minutes!
Thirty minutes isn't bad. Socks chews and climbs and stares out of his cage like a prisoner, and then wants to come back after about thirty minutes!
Literally he have been busy to built a burrow underneath the wheel's platform. He loves hide in there or in the castle. Dumbo made the castle become a food storage. So i tried to open his eyes, the world is so vast and he should play outside.
Thirty minutes isn't bad. Socks chews and climbs and stares out of his cage like a prisoner, and then wants to come back after about thirty minutes!

I second this, 30 minutes is a great amount of time! Dumbo is just hamming around, they love their hides
My Arun (who was a long haired black eyed cream syrian hamster) only wanted to be in his play space for around 15 or 20 minutes at a time. He would start meercating for his taxi box back to his cage after that!

Dumbo is looking as cute as ever.
He's really gorgeous. That little face peering round the edge :)
Thanks all 🥰
All time spent well with Dumbo even only for awhile.

A bit update what Dumbo did today.
Dumbo have a recreation in a playpen today and i tried to bond with him more today. After entering the playpen, he looks more active rather than before in the playpen and as a gift for coming out to playpen, i gave a bit of carrot as a treats. Well i dont have bathub, so i came to enter his playpen and gave the treats to make him not scared of giant (me). He looks scared for the first time looking at giant enter his playpen, however the longer i spent in there he become more calm. Today agenda is to introduce my hand and my scent to get him familliar.
That sounds great :-) He'll be climbing over you like a piece of furniture soon :-)
A giant who gives out pieces of yummy treats, yes, rodents are very smart and know how to handle giants!
Late update

For late 3 days Dumbo acting strange, She sneeze occasionaly but drink and eats well.i though it is because of somekind of food allergic (yesterday i tried new kind of seedmix which is contain BSF) or maybe dust.

So today i decided to brough her to vet, she looked so terrified because this is the first time for her and the vet notice there is a symptoms of cold however it is not that bad yet and still on early stage. She got an injection of antibiotic and vet gave me oral medicine also.

It should be given twice with a syringe, still not tame her yet however i will try to be gentle to hold her tomorrow for medication. The sneeze gone after the injection given and thanksfully she looks energized, hope she will recovery very soon.

PS : Now i notice Dumbo actually a girl not a boy. 😂

I wondered why you were calling Dumbo she! I'm sorry she's had the odd sneeze and I hope the antibiotics get her back to normal. It tastes very nasty.
I wondered why you were calling Dumbo she! I'm sorry she's had the odd sneeze and I hope the antibiotics get her back to normal. It tastes very nasty.
Im on shock as well, i thought maybe Dumbo still young and the balls still not developed yet. Im asked vet during the check up since dumbo has been held by vet, and Dumbo is determined as Female. Gratefully, Dumbo didn't show any kind of boredom and remain calm in her cage. I read several owner experiences, Female syrian tend to get bored easily. Even with long hours of freeroam and big cage still can't get it enough.

A bit update
Dumbo took the medicine from syringe, i tried to force a bit since Dumbo dont like the taste of medicine. I did a small talked to her, said sorry to do this however this would make her better. After took the medicine i gave a water and some treats to erase the bitter taste of medicine.

Dumbo said Thanks for all hopes ❤️
Good girl Dumbo, taking the meds although they taste yuk, they will make you better. It's great to hear that she behaved well at the vet! ❤️
Well done Dumbo :-) I did read of one member who put the antibiotic medicine on a bit of prawn cracker. Most foods don't disguise the taste. Beefy dog food or corned beef also helps disguise the taste, but it needs to be a real tiny amount (pea sized) to make sure they get all the medicine. If you're giving it twice a day though it might be better to just carry on with the syringe to make sure she gets it on time.
Hi, Forum

Dumbo looks more better right now, she does eat and drink normally. Today she took a romaine lettuce as a treats for finishing the medicine. 2 more days until the oral antibiotics done, after that i will bring her for check up. She look more bigger now because her fur growth. When scaling at the vet, her weight is 61g, i do believe she have more right now.