
The sound is gone today. It seems happen when i came closer to him, weirdly this sound not happen while sleeps. Actually all is pretty good, seems he kinda scared of me (?) So i attempt to start the bonding from the beginning.

I believe the male long haired hamsters do have the longer coat tails :) Maybe Dumbo is just pleased to see you so makes noises!
Oh thanks a lot for new information Maz, this is new to me. I though female always have longer coat than male, so its the opposite.
And gorgeous they look 😊. Some long haired females don’t look that fluffy at all and only have a very short coat tail.
Heya all, as always thanks for the praise.

Dumbo seems a bit stressed out, because i keep clean his litter tray once everyday. This is probably make him anxious near me, i did this to keep him clean because he love to sleep on litter tray. The pee smell is awful, i felt like its really fast to built up that much smell in a day. Should i put more bigger litter tray to reduce the amount of smell? I tried to change the litter sand from zeolite to dessert sand. I has been told that desert sand have a odor control, so i bought it.
Perhaps leaving about a quarter of the old, or just sieving it to take out the damp sand and poops, and then putting the rest back would help him not to worry. He may just be being young and restless 🏍️
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Is his nest in the litter tray? That might be why it's upsetting him if it's taking his nest away as well. What you could try is saving a bit of his nest (even if it's smelly and putting it back where the litter tray is now, but moving the litter tray along a bit so it's next to where it was. ie train him that the pee goes next to the nest. Does he have a house?
@Socks Mum : i left some, however it still have a strong smell of amonnia. The sand barely survive from the smell of amonnia, its only last for 2 days.

@Maz : i dont know, however he have 3 differences places which all of them have food inside. Dumbo also brough a lot of paper inside the litter. I left some of paper but the trace of amonia smell still strong. I dont know maybe i need to replace the litter tray to be more bigger?

The entire enclosure fill with amonia smell only in 2 days. This is why i change the litter sand everyday. Now, i wanted to try if desert sand really have odor control.
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Totally agree regarding the colour all our hams are loved regardless of colour but it's only like admiring a friend's new coat 😀
Thanks Jain, absolutely true. ❤️
Perhaps some of the urine is going outside the litter tray. Socks wees against the wall as well as in the tray 🚽🧻
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Im sorry everyone,
Dumbo literally healthy yesterday. However, today he is pass away. I dont know what kind of sickness he got, i notice he didn't moved while. He still ate well yesterday and played wheel well. Well yeah, this is absolutely disapointed me.20240923_224331.jpg

The last sight of him yesterday.
Oh, this is sad news, I am so sorry to hear that you have lost sweet Dumbo. Very sad news.
Oh, this is sad news, I am so sorry to hear that you have lost sweet Dumbo. Very sad news.
Thanks socks mom
This so sudden, never know this is his last day.
He was cheerful yesterday, eat and drink well. Have a trip to playpen and play wheel there, took his treat also. not found any indication of respitory infection and Sneeze was gone in the last week.
This morning i was check him sleep at multichamber and found a bit weird at noon, because he always moves to another place to sleep. I talked to him with soft voice, but he not responded so i take up his multichamber to take a look over him. So shock to found his body is cold and his ear are standing.
Hopefully Dumbo will be happy at rainbow bridge.

With all care i gives, this kind of let down. Sometimes feel like maybe im not deserve to have a hamster. Sorry for the whining
You're not whining, you don't need to apologise. It's an awful shock to find a pet you love very much has passed away suddenly. It's so sad. That's what we are here for, to offer support and share experience. Little Dumbo was well cared for and greatly loved, and I am sure that although his life was short, he loved being your hamster.
You're not whining, you don't need to apologise. It's an awful shock to find a pet you love very much has passed away suddenly. It's so sad. That's what we are here for, to offer support and share experience. Little Dumbo was well cared for and greatly loved, and I am sure that although his life was short, he loved being your hamster.
Thanks socks mom, i will evaluate more before get another hamster. Does airpurifier bag is effectively same as airpurifier machine?
I am so sorry Ponyo. This is so unfair on you and so sad for little Dumbo. You gave him so much good care. I do think these are probably genetic issues though - it's very sad. I can completely understand how you feel after losing three now. See how you feel after having time to get over the shock. You're a great hamster parent.
If it's any consolation, this kind of thing happened to @ilguy at least three times and he now has a healthy dwarf hamster :-) Play well over the rainbow bridge Dumbo - you were loved and are missed.
Thanks socks mom, i will evaluate more before get another hamster. Does airpurifier bag is effectively same as airpurifier machine?
The machine is better. The bags use chemicals to absorb moisture. The machines use a disposable filter and no chemicals. Sorry again about little Dumbo. He is sleeping peacefully in the nest he has built in your heart.