Dwarf hamster behaviour


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Hello, we have had our dwarf since May and he always mostly happy and calm. Since yesterday he has been biting all his wooden bridges and which is out of character for him. Today his hamster wheel too which is plastic and laying on his back underneath it using his feet to spin it then bites the bars of the cage.

Im not sure why he would be stressed?
Also to add we were told he was male but now wondering if he is a female?! And could be in heat? Noticing cycles of behaviour?
I have no experience with dwarfies, but am bumping and sending support. Has Pudding Bear been having out of cage sessions? That can make some hamsters restless, but if they enjoy OOC sessions, then it is good for them. I'm not sure if dwarf hamsters like OOC sessions as much as Syrian hamsters. Being so fast moving, I think it is a bit more of a challenge and definitely needs a secure playpen. Otherwise, you could be right, perhaps Mr PB is actually Ms PB 🐹
Hi. What cage is he/she in? Sometimes if the cage is a bit small they can get stressed and bar bite, but the other thing that can cause it is a big clean out. Especially if their hoard has been removed or things have been changed around.
Thanks everyone. No big cleans done and hoards are both still where they were and growing bigger by the day! 😂

Question on hoards, what will they actually do with them long term as we have 2 that are now so big they have taken ovet 2 hides!

Today he seems more relaxed. It feels like it happens in cycles for sure. Hence my question on the sex of the hamster

He comes out of his cage 3 -4 times a day to sit on us and have little play or snack. He is very friendly
