Fishy the Siamese Fighting Fish and the Shrimps

Socks Mum

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Just a brief intro to Fishy Foo the Siamese Fighting Fish or Betta Splendens and the shrimps (Effie, Estee, Tessie, Tim and Mr and Mrs Amano). They live in a 25 L and 19 L tank respectively. I have had them with me for about six months now. Fishy was just a tiddler when I got him, but is a bit bigger now. He is like Socks, very territorial and not one for tank mates. The shrimp are a sociable bunch, except where shrimp lollies are concerned 😄


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I love betta fish! Fishy Foo is beautiful. My betta fish loved the floating log and would sleep in there. (I did not have them in the same tank).

Shrimps are very interesting to watch arent they?
Thank you! 😊 When I am lounging beside his tank he often rests with his tail on plants, as if he is joining me! They do love their resting places! I forgot to mention my little black shrimp (Boss). I had two, but sadly he lost his partner due to an outbreak of vorticella. I feed very sparingly now and give the shrimps plenty of Catapa leaves and they are clear of it now (touch wood). They are great little creatures!
I know nothing about fish :-) But love the photo of the blue one :) And they all have great names! Unfortunately I can't see any shrimps lol - maybe I need stronger glasses or a bigger photo!
Sorry, here are two photos of the cherry shrimps. They look like tiny prawns about 2cm long and 5mm wide. They are freshwater crustaceans indigenous to Thailand. They have feathery mouthparts rather than jaws and stir up and pinch algae and detritus with micro claws.


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Mine haven't bred yet unfortunately, but they might in Spring 🤞 The females carry batches of eggs (berries) under their bodies, fanning them with their legs to oxygenate them, until they hatch into tiny shrimplets.
Aw, I am sorry to hear that.

I find betta fish so friendly and interactive. Thats why they are called water puppies.😊
Yes, they are very interactive. If I cuddle my Percy Pig Teddy, Fishy disappears behind the filter and hides. He knows when I am paying him attention and will flutter his fins charmingly, but if I start looking at my phone, he goes off and does other things too!
We went through a difficult time when he glass surfed constantly, all day without stopping, and hardly ate anything. He could see his own reflection in the glass and swam up and down as fast as he could in case the other fish came into his territory. Luckily putting hazy window film on the back and sides of the tank reduced the reflection and he gradually stopped surfing. Now he is quite relaxed. His favourite food is bloodworm, which have an unpleasant, fatty smell, but he loves them!
We went through a difficult time when he glass surfed constantly, all day without stopping, and hardly ate anything. He could see his own reflection in the glass and swam up and down as fast as he could in case the other fish came into his territory. Luckily putting hazy window film on the back and sides of the tank reduced the reflection and he gradually stopped surfing. Now he is quite relaxed. His favourite food is bloodworm, which have an unpleasant, fatty smell, but he loves them!
I know how stressed they can get when seeing their reflection. It is lovely to hear how relaxed he is now.😊
Great fish names, what a fab crowd, you sound very knowledgeable. I’d never thought of keeping shrimp, sorry to hear you had a loss. Are they difficult to look after, do you have to check the water ph etc? The red shrimp look really sweet
Fishy Foo says hello! 📸


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  • Love
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What a gorgeous blue colour Fishy Foo is!
Fishy Foo sadly died. A poem for him here:

Goodbye Fishy Foo

The tank lid is closed now
Pump and heater unplugged
The tank a silent grey rectangle of glass and air,
Empty of the sound of water,
Buzz of the filter,
The winding green of floating weed,
A resting place, a sheltering world,
Coarse gravel magnified by a modest depth of water,
Stained brown by the habitat of the sunken leaves he loved,
All too soon, existing only in memories.
A small blue body swimming calmly,
Trailing fins like the angel's wings,
Gliding about in peaceful delight,
Creating a space of beauty in my room.
Little exile, dream now of a warm, quiet river
Flowing into wide marshes
Smoothed by a gentle wind,
Tall trees soothing the life teeming under a boiling sun,
A true home where you have everything you need.
When you cross the bridge, they will say,
Welcome to the little one who brings us
The bright blue beam of the rainbow in your fins.
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