Free roaming


Dwarfie Days
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At last sorted out a safe way for Pete to free roam had to use same cardboard barrier as used in conservatory with minor adaptations he now takes over nearly half our living 20231030_131820.jpgroom has his playpen open and can come and go at his choosing unfortunately it's time limited because of "us" having to share "his" space and its a phaff to set up but he's worth it.
He’s going to love that! I can’t manage it for Molly in our living room as it’s the old part of the house with far too many gaps near skirting boards etc. and very small gaps under some furniture (and the blooming filing cabinet which can’t be moved).

Pete will love that! Keep an eye on the cardboard so he doesn’t push it over! Raffy pushes my wood panel at the door so I have to put a pair of wellingtons behind it so it can’t be pushed out of place.
Yes keeping watch all the time he is out ok at the moment I think its been Pete proofed but will be nightmare if he finds a weak spot they never forget where to find it do they