Funny things about humans-A thread for hamsters

Lilly: humans are incredibly lazy. I watched Whiskers fetch a ladder to get into the loft because he was too lazy to climb on top of the bookcase and from there into the loft! The ladder had rungs! They are not very safety conscious either.
Albert: oh deary me Lilly I'm sorry to hear this. Beryl has got enough on making sure you and the other Hams are safe. I wonder where Beryl is going to get a piece of wood from to put over the rungs of the ladder to make it more safe for Whiskers 🤔
The humans have been having some very strange conversations and keep mentioning 'why fry'. They say, 'why fry is down' or 'what is the speed of why fry'. I believe this is a code and I am determined to find out what this is about. I will keep listening to their conversations until I work it out.
One of the humans put a silly thing in my cage. She put tissue on some cardboard but then put seeds on the top of it. It is logical to put seeds under it but she did the opposite. I keep going underneath it and then some seeds tip out so my way is better. I will not get seeds from the top of it as this does not make sense to me.
Albert: I totally understand Sprite 🙄 My mum gave me a new treat puzzle the other day. You may have seen the video of me chewing the cardboard to get the treats out from the bottom of the holes. My mum put some more seeds in it yesterday and to her surprise I showed her a quicker way to get the treats out. I just tip it upsidedown and all the seeds came out. No more time wasting chewing cardboard. I don't think my mum was impressed though 😉
The humans were talking this morning and I heard them say there are kiwis in the kitchen. Now I am worried because birds eat seeds and they may try to eat my seeds. There are too many animals living here for my liking.
The humans are keeping a grain supply to themselves. There has been a lot of talk about their grains and how the weather is affecting them. I overheard one of the humans saying 'This humidity is giving me my gains'. I cannot believe they are not sharing the grains with me. I thought we were friends.
Tsang Shu here. My owner keeps investigating murder cases. He lists clues, posts pictures and looks up the legal implications of cadavers in different jurisdictions. I wonder if he is planning to murder me in my sleep.

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倉鼠 - Sunflower seeds are my favorite. I tucked them in a burrow underneath my house. Crumbled pecans are great. I gathered them in my cheeks and hid them inside the vase. Camouflaged that nicely with paper bedding. The tiny bird seeds & quinoa I just nibbled while I galloped around my Wheel.