Gardens and wildlife

I hope your lovely rose gets better from the infection 🌹
Your fuschia looks amazing Coco 😊. Zara yours looks lovely too and I love the rambling rose.
Thank you everyone. There were anxious times but I remembered to water it during times of no rain and then it was given a feed in late June to encourage it along!
Zara, your fuschia is just gorgeous and a totally different flower colour from mine.
Love the rambling rose too and fingers crossed for an improvement in health
I’ve just watered my garden with alpaca poo fertiliser! 💩 Its known as alpaca poo tea ☕😝My stepdaughter’s boyfriend’s parents have alpacas and produce it …I’ll let you know if I get good results 👍
Today's spot for a quick morning break after a school visit, and a quick scoot through the gardens on my way from car park to office. Making the most of the sunshine, and small opportunities in the midst of a busy day ☺️

Beautiful photos and gardens, how lovely 😃
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