Giving medication


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Thought this deserved a thread as it's always a tricky one when you haven't done it before. One of the most important things is getting the dosage right as sometimes they are such tiny doses such as 0.02 mls - which is a tenth smaller than 0.2 mls. This means choosing the correction markings on the syringe and sometimes even double checking the dosage with the vet if it seems more than a drop or two.

A 1ml syringe has 10 markings. Each is 0.1ml. Each of those 10 markings has 10 smaller markings. Each of those is 0.01ml

There are various methods for giving the meds.

1) The hamster may just lick it up from the syringe. This is possible with metacam (which tastes nice) and very unlikely with Baytril (which tastes nasty. Some hamsters will just react to a syringe in their cage or near them, whatever is in it, and won't take it.
2) The swaddling method. You swaddle your hamster in a blanket or similar, so they can't wriggle and syringe feed the meds. You need to be careful the hamster is not lying too flat or the meds can go down the wrong way and them inhale them. Some hamsters might spit it out again.
3) The food method. You can put the meds in a tiny amount of tasty, soft food - eg baby food. Providing it's a really tiny amount, and tasty, it will get eaten. This works well with Metacam. With baytril it needs to be something strong enough to disguise the taste of the meds. Something like meaty dog food for small dogs can work. Some people find runny honey in the syringe with the meds works (if the hamster will drink from the syringe).

Scruffing is not something recommended really - even vets are not keen on scruffing hamsters any more. If done incorrectly it can cause damage and it's not particularly nice for the hamster, who trusts you.
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I personally prefer the food method. Swaddling has never worked for me! Some hamsters will lick metacam from the syringe (none of mine ever have! They attack the syringe or bat it away).

Baytril and the taste can be disguised in a number of ways. Add your tips below! Some people draw a bit of runny honey or ribena into the syringe with the baytril and find the hamster will take it from the Syringe then (none of mine ever have!).

I tend to use a pea sized amount of food. Anything will work for metacam (baby food is good). Baytril needs something strongly flavoured to disguise it or it won't get eaten and it's important the hamster gets the full dose of antibiotic. I use the meaty dog food option. The teeniest bit. Slightly less than pea sized amount - half of that on a jam jar lid, baytril dropped on top of it then the other half of the pea sized amount of baytril. The plate is usually licked clean!
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