Hamster Advent Calendar 2024

Our Hamster Advent Calendar is above and will become live at midnight tonight, after which door 1 will light up - just click on it to open it :-) Each day the door ready to be opened will light up - enjoy :-)

If you want to share it the whole calendar or an individual photo from that day, just click on the share icon, bottom right. You can share it to someone by email as well as by a social media account.

This will also be on the home page, so it's easily visible to all. On mobile view it breaks up/hyphenates the word forum - I've tried to adjust that but can't seem to change it! Sorry. Although it might depend on the size of your phone screen! Mine is quite small.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to include absolutely everybody - but have tried to include all the hamsters who've had photos on here over the last year or so or have entered photo competitions - but there may be one or two newer members not on there. Next year maybe!
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Fantastic! calendar looks amazing Maz 😃
Wonderful first photo, looking forward to seeing them all 😍
Door number two is live :-) It's fun for me too as I can't remember what's coming next 🤣 I knew what was where before it was published and embedded on the forum but can't remember now. I could look it up but I'm not going to :-)
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