Hamster feet dragging


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My hamster is a month old
He had a fall today of atleast 4feet since he has been dragging his feet
I'm gonna take him to the vet tom
I don't know if there was any facture at all caz he's been playing actively just that he's not using his behind legs I saw a youtube video where the hamster was walking the same and it was explained that it was shocked and he became normal in 3 days
I want suggestions from people with experience
Please help me
Hello. I'm really sorry to hear this. What species of hamster is he? Did he land on carpet or a hard floor?

Definitely take him to the vet tomorrow. It could be a few things. Shock to the system is one - possibly if it hit a nerve on the back or caused bruising to the spine. And with that it could start to improve - but it needs checking out as the other thing can be an injured spine causing loss of use of the back legs.

So he seems ok in himself afterwards and playing normally? Apart from not using the back legs - is that right?

I hope the vet can help tomorrow. Is it an exotic vet you're going to? They know a lot more about hamsters.
Sorry to hear your hammy has had an accident. He may regain the use of his legs in time as he is young, but there could also be permanent damage, so he needs too be assessed by your vet. As Maz has said, it's could be temporary, but it could also cause other issues and he may be in pain. Take away things in the cage he might fall from and try to limit handling until he is moving normally again. If you need to catch him to transfer him to a carrier to take him too the vet, get him to walk into a tube or jug. This is a safer way to carry him than holding him while you are walking. If you want to handle as hamster, it's best to sit on the floor so that the hamster cannot fall more than a few inches. I hope your little pet recovers. Good luck!
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Pet carrier is a good point. Do you have one? Put plenty of bedding in the bottom and a bit of cucumber and some food and a little house if it will fit. If you don't have one, post back and we can suggest how to improvise!
I agree with everything Maz said.

I would just add that you need to make sure he is able to pass urine and poos properly. If there is damage to his spine, he may not be able to and that will be dangerous. I recommend cleaning his cage today (or at least his toilet areas) so that you can monitor for new urine or poos.

If his belly starts swelling or feeling hard, he might be constipated or retaining urine. The vet should be able to check that tomorrow.
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That is a good point and something to watch for. I wouldn't clean the whole cage personally, just "spot clean" the area where he pees and pick any poos out that you can see. Just to avoid the stress.
Hello. I'm really sorry to hear this. What species of hamster is he? Did he land on carpet or a hard floor?

Definitely take him to the vet tomorrow. It could be a few things. Shock to the system is one - possibly if it hit a nerve on the back or caused bruising to the spine. And with that it could start to improve - but it needs checking out as the other thing can be an injured spine causing loss of use of the back legs.

So he seems ok in himself afterwards and playing normally? Apart from not using the back legs - is that right?

I hope the vet can help tomorrow. Is it an exotic vet you're going to? They know a lot more about hamsters.
He's a Syrian hamster
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Pet carrier is a good point. Do you have one? Put plenty of bedding in the bottom and a bit of cucumber and some food and a little house if it will fit. If you don't have one, post back and we can suggest how to improvise!
I do have a pet carrier
Let us know how you get on tomorrow. Hope the little guy is ok.