Hamster likes clear stuck proof ball, should it be used or not?


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We have got the best rated clear ball for her cause we have been effected from the fires and don’t really have the option to really free roam. We couldn’t before cause we haven’t trained her to not bite yet. She does seem to love her ball, she doesn’t get stuck, runs around and will groom herself . And never squicks. As her ball is really her only option for free time and she’s already bored (chewing / climbing) should we continue with the ball? I understand the downsides of the ball, but with the options we have and the fact that she seems happy and safe in there, seems to me she should have more time in it. What do you think
Hi there. I am so sorry you've been affected by the fires - LA presumably? You maybe know that hamster balls aren't really approved of these days, but I can see your situation. However, I think the main thing is that the hamster has a suitable cage :-) If their cage is big enough then they are fine in their cage most of the time, but yes it's also good for them to have out of cage time. A playpen area can be better than a ball, because as you say, they just don't make hamster balls big enough! I did used to have a savic rat ball. Most rat balls, the slits are too big - the savic one had smaller slits - but they are still a risk. If the hamster bashes into things, the lids can pop off and then they can escape. And there have been cases of toes being trapped in the slits. Some people used to swear their hamsters loved going in their balls - others say it's stressful for them as they can't sniff and smell (although there are vents in the balls).

Is your hamster a Syrian or a dwarf hamster? I'm assuming a syrian as you're questioning the size of the ball. Dwarf hamsters should never use hamster balls however.

I think the best option is to set up a playpen area :-) Or section off an area of the room, if possible. I currently have the Omlet playpen, which is great because it's so easy to put up and down - but it is expensive. I use it without the floor part though as with that it takes ages to put up and down! So I just have it directly on the floor - after all they'd be directly on the floor if they were free roaming.

It's a very large playpen area and can be made into different shapes - either long and oblong, or hexagonal - or one long side and a kind of semi circle side - to fit the space you have.

With a large playpen area you put things in it to keep the hamster occupied - you can just use cardboard boxes/tissue boxes and cardboard tubes as hides and tunnels - you don't have to buy stuff for it. Also a spare wheel in the playpen goes down well!

A hamster ball can still be useful as a "taxi" however. If the hamster is used to hopping into it, then you just pop the lid on and carry them in the ball to the playpen or hamstersafe area, set the ball down and take the lid off again.

Omlet usually have 10% or 15% off deals though.

There's a video here of one of my hamsters in the Omlet playpen. It gives them plenty of space to run around but they can't escape. Or is it that the floors are fire damaged and not safe maybe? They may be ok if the floor mat was used in that case.
