Hamster Olympian


Dwarfie Days
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Pete is a nightmare he loves to climb which means I have to hover with my hand under his bum because mostly he reverses back down but occasionally he let's himself just drop last night he did this over 20 times not great having to bend over when suffering from silent reflux but he really seems to enjoy climbing he's not attempting to get out he just reverses and does it all over again he also gave his wheel a hammering is there a hamster Olympics 😏


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Pete looks like he is training for rock climbing. ;)
Yes I think I should make him watch The Fall on Netflix he has now found out he can turn like a cat and land on his feet from half way down I have put his playpen on a thick rug now can't put anything inside or he just tunnels it and moves it will I get into bother if I go and cut a circular piece of safely matting from the local playground me thinks 😏 after saying that he seems to have mastered the down in his own way without mishaps but I do watch him in case he trys more adventurous acrobatics