Hamster overweight


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Okay, i still have to way the little guy, so not sure how much weight he gained.
In the past 10 days i did not see my hamsters, because i had the flu i stayrd away from them, only gave them their food, water and small clean ups when needed.
I have a camera in both my tanks so i can see that they are doing fine, but i also notice that Ukkie became a bit chubby.
I feed him science selective and Bunny, he does not hoard his food, never did, but now he seems to be eating too much. What to do?
Just feed less? I have fed him a little too much, but is was never a problem because he only seems to eat what he needed.
I give about 3gr science selective with 6gr Bunny, every other day.
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I think they just eat what they need really and dwarf hamsters do tend to oook round :-). So unless you’re giving him a lot of sunflower seeds I would t worry 😊. They eat very little every day and he has healthy food. I can’t think in grammes but about a rounded teeapoonful a day is about right for a dwarf hamster. I used to give a bit more than that as used the Rodipet scoop that came with the food.

Hope you’re feeling better now!
I would weigh him and see where he is at before making any adjustments. If he is overweight, check the macros & ingredients in his food mix. The amount you're giving him is about right.
here is a video from last noght, i think he is a bit overweight, what do you think?

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Hi Veer,

I feel your pain, I have exactly the same concerns. The information online about dwarf hamsters weight and recommended food intake is quite contradictory and confusing.

My hammie weighed 42g when I put her on a diet. I started to give her a flat teaspoon of food and limited snacks and sprays (the ones she would devour immediately). I switched to giving vegetables as a regular treat and more fatty ones (sunflower seeds, additional worms) only once a week. There are some worms and protein in her regularly food mix.

This brought her weight down pretty quickly to 38g. Now I’m still cautious with snacks but less worried about the regular feed and I keep weighing her regularly.

That said, it’s hard to tell from the video is the hamster is overweight. If you suspect he is a little chubby, reviewing the diet is a good idea. However every hamster is different and even how much food they store in the pouch can make them appear a lot bigger than they are.

In terms of the weight, this also depends on the size and gender so I wouldn’t compare my to other hamsters necessarily.

I hope this somehow helps a little 🙈.
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He doesn't look overweight :-) He looks very healthy. How old is he now? He will still be building growth. He seems to like nibbling his sprays? Does he eat a lot of flax sprays? Sometimes they strip those straight away so it's best to maybe only put out one flax spray a week. Otherwise I would just carry on and give a heaped teaspoonful of hamster mix daily and 2 or 3 science selective pellets :-)