Hamster screaming - should I be concerned?


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Hi I adopted a female syrian hamster about 3 months ago. She's settled in well and is the loveliest girl. I always go in to feed her at the same time every evening and she is usually waiting for me or pops up as soon as I call her name. But tonight she was nowhere to be seen and when I called her name she made a horrible noise. It sounded like a cat with a sore throat meowing. I checked online and it apparently a hamster screaming.
She made this noise each time I said her name and I started to panic a bit as I thought she might be stuck. I went to get a chair to stand on to open the top of her cage, as it's high up, but as soon as I came back she was up and seemed fine and took some treats from me.
She's never made a sound at all before and she always responds positively to me call her. Should I be concerned?
Hi and welcome to the forum. I can’t give expert medical advice, but offer support and a listening ear. It wouldn’t do any harm to take your hammy for a vet check. It’s good to be registered with a vet and to meet them, now that she has settled in so well. It’s really great that you have such a good bond with her. She has turned out to be such a nice, friendly hamster.