Hamster Squeaking


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Good morning all sorry to always come to this group with my hamster anxieties 🙁
Houmous is 9 months old now. Maybe a month ago I gave him a treat and he did a little chattering squeaking sound, which when I googled it they said this was due to joy. Same happened again when I gave him a piece of carrot a couple of weeks later.
This week however he has been making this chattering squeak noise more often and this morning I noticed him doing it whilst in his hide. It's not a continuous noise, he just does a couple and then stops, then again 10 minutes or so later. I check his hide and he was fast asleep, he woke up and didn't squeak, but then when I closed the hide and sat on the bed, he started doing it again.
He doesn't sound in respiratory distress, he doesn't sound in pain. It is like a chattering noise. But I am worried about it as I there as so many reasons I have found as to why hamsters squeak. Has anyone got any advise?
Thank you!
This can be tricky as hamsters do make noises for various reasons. Some can be quite vocal and others not so much.
She say hamsters can also dream and have also been known to squeak while they are asleep.
If he is doing it when you can see him, then you can usually tell from their body language, if he is getting a treat and doesn't look defensive, then it could be a happy squeak.
I would check his hide when he is awake, just to make sure there is nothing annoying him, something sharp or uncomfortable. They can make a noise to let you know, they are unhappy with something or they need help.
If it would be possible to get a video, others might be able to help more.
You might just have a vocal hammy, who dreams a lot.
By the way, don't apologies for coming here - it's what we're here for :-) We all have our anxieties with our hammies.
I have a very vocal hamster who squeaks a lot! She mainly does it to draw my attention to something that’s bothering her (her tea is late, I’ve removed her stash or moved something in her cage and a myriad of other reasons!); she makes a happy little chirruping noise when she is foraging in her dig box…it’s probably her top favourite thing to do; I have also heard her squeaking when she is asleep, so I’m guessing she is dreaming 😴 If she is squeaking to get my attention, she usually stops when I speak to her calmly for a few moments and she realises she’s being a diva lol 😂
Thank you so much everyone for your responses!
I will try and get a video of him squeaking over the next few days so you can see what it is like
Like Lovelyness said it is a chirruping sort of squeak which is why I haven't been concerned about it but he seems to be doing it a lot more often at the moment.