Hamster test bite

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I wanted to ask how hard a hamster test bite is
because i have hard plastic statues on my desk and i was wondering howmuch damage it would do if an hamster tried to test bite it (to see if its food or not, like a bite or 3)
is that test bite hard enough to make damage on my statues?
because the hardest bite i had on my hand didn't make my finger bleed just made it little bit red
so i thought if that wasn't strong enought to make my finger bleed and cut trough skin then a test bite on hard plastic wouldn't damage my statues?
can they bite off a chunk of plastic with one bite? or do they have to bite continuously to damage the plastic?
its hard plastic almost stone like
Even if the hamster bit the plastic once this would not be ideal.

Do you have a large cardboard box because that would work for CloudStrife to have somewhere to play.
no because he escaped the aquarium but i don't think he fell on my desk first but he fell on the floor directly
because if he fell on my desk first he wouldn't jump off my desk to the floor because my desk is way big and high enough, no reason to escape my desk
his cage is on the edge of my desk
i removed his first floor of his cage so he only have the ground floor
now he can't escape but still im worried if when hes biting to see it's food or not is the same force if he would bite seriously
can the hamster it generate more force than you pinching your hardest with your nails?
I am sorry to hear he escaped his tank. Did you upgrade his tank or is this the one you had originally? Hamsters have very poor depth perception and will jump of high things as they do not understand it is high up.

Hamsters can bite strong enough to break skin and draw blood so they can bite very hard.
is it because the teeth are sharp?
and not the force?
because im more worried about the force and not the sharpness if that is the case
Teeth are sharp and they have a strong force as they use their teeth to eat hard things such as seeds and nuts.

What happened when Cloudstrife escaped the tank?
i don't know i was woken up from ratling sound under my bed
looked at the cage and he wasn't there
i just hope he didn't fell on my desk because that's where all my statues are placed
hes doing fine
i removed his floor so he only has the ground floor now he will never escape anymore
he has less space now but i cannot afford the risk because there are almost $9000 of statues on my desk
I would also be concerned that he has less space now, he really does need an upgrade of some sort as he had very little space & enrichment before & seems to have less now.
Have you given any more thought to upgrading him to a more suitable enclosure?
no worries hes doing great
Also i don't see any poop on my desk so that means the chances are bigger that he directly fell on the floor?
because if he fell on my desk first, he would explored for a long period of time
I would see at least one poop or some sort right?
I'm guessing your hamster is in a new cage now as you mentioned removing the top level and I don't think the small tank had any levels. Does the new cage have a secure lid? A hamster will always escape from an open cage.

I doubt very much your hamster would be interested in your plastic statues, but suggest you do a health check to check for any injuries, if the hamster has had a fall. And observe carefully for a few days to check there is no limping, back hunching, or other signs of pain, that the hamster is running on the wheel and eating and drinking ok. Any concerns and it will need a vet check over.

However if the hamster is still in the tiny glass tank then this is becoming a serious welfare issue.

Your hamster needs an escape-proof cage that is ideally 100cm by 50cm (about 800 square inches). And ideally 8" of bedding (at least 6"). Anything smaller than 80cm by 50cm (about 620 square inches) and less than 6" of bedding then that is a serious welfare issue now.

It would be good if you could update us please, on what cage the hamster is in (a photo perhaps) and we may be able to help in suggesting ways to make it more secure.
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hi maz thanks for the info
yes it's very secure he will not be able to escape unless he can jump more than 10 inches in the air
it's strange it's the first time that he escaped and hes in there for months with no problems
i moved the cage to another part of my desk but that shouldn't be a problem, i did that couple of times
i even tried to fatten him up so he can't pull himself over the edge of the cage because of this weight but this have clearly failed
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Please dont try to fatten him up to stop him from escaping. Is he using his wheel?

I notice you are not telling us about the tank. We just want to help.
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