Happy Henry's Home advice


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Long time no see! Hope is well with your and your furry besties.

I am planning on purchasing one of the following and need some advice:


I have the Savic Plaza cage (not the extra large version) and I don't want to clutter things too much for my hammy. Just wondering if the first link I've posted might take up too much space? Poor wee soul is pretty old now and not as mobile as she used to be, so just want something she will enjoy.

Also, would you recommend either of the above with the option for a hole in the lid?

Thanks in advance :)
Hello again 😊. I’ve used both those houses and used the large one on a standard Savic plaza like you have. I think the size works well - it fits across one end of the cage easily and doubles up as a platform. Mine both have the hole on top and the hamsters use it and like it.

I think they have pros and cons. They fit together like a jigsaw - but if you plastikote it, you can’t undo them again - although last time I chose to do that because otherwise the panels can slide out sometimes and leave the odd gap.

So that’s my only slight thing with them is there can be the odd gap where things fit together where a nail could be caught - possibly. However I’ve had no issues and it probably isn’t really an issue.

I like the fact you can get legs to fit them in various different lengths.

Previously I’ve used Rodipet houses and generally preferred those and they are very well made and solid with solid roofs with granite sections. However the new range of Rodipet houses has a different layout and I’m not keen on the layout of the larger one (and I like the large ones).

The medium one has a better layout but less rooms. So for me, if wanting the larger size with a good layout, I went for the HHH one. If I wanted the medium size I would have gone for the Rodipet one. Which is this one.

Apparently the HHH legs fit the Rodipet houses.

I’ll find some photos of the larger HHH one in a cage …..
Thanks for that, Maz.

I would prefer to go for the bigger one for her as there's more space for her to explore. I was just worried about cluttering up her cage, but if you've used the large one with the same cage, I feel reassured :)

I will check the other one out, thanks :)

Edit to add: would you purchase the legs for the HHH one?
I only actually have a photo of the HHH house in the larger Savic cages but this is a photo of the older style Rodipet house in the standard plaza - and it’s virtually the same size and layout. To give you an idea of what it looks like/how it fits

Thanks for that, Maz.

I would prefer to go for the bigger one for her as there's more space for her to explore. I was just worried about cluttering up her cage, but if you've used the large one with the same cage, I feel reassured :)

I will check the other one out, thanks :)

Edit to add: would you purchase the legs for the HHH one?
Yes it needs to be on legs to support it. Then it’s a case of working out what length legs depending on how deep you have the substrate 😊
Thanks so much for that. It's good to see it set up in a cage :) I'll be putting it where your wheel is in that photo, as my hammy's wheel is where your Rodipet house is.
I always forgot something to ask :) I really like the Rodipet too, so I have a dilemma! Do the Rodipet houses come already built?
Decision made then 😊. The HHH ones are quite easy to put together 😊. It helps to plastikote them so they’re wipe clean but I only did the inside and the top of the roof, to make sure the roof still fits on ok (ie I avoided doing the sticky up bits the roof fits onto.)

She’s a lucky girl - I’m sure she’ll love it.
How old is she now?
It’s hard when they start getting older isn’t it? One of mine is two and a half. She could still carry on for some time and I’m sure she’ll enjoy the house.

If she’s not so mobile now, is she still using her wheel at all? It’s a time when people thinking about removing or lowering any shelves or platforms and just having a shallow ramp.
It’s hard when they start getting older isn’t it? One of mine is two and a half. She could still carry on for some time and I’m sure she’ll enjoy the house.

If she’s not so mobile now, is she still using her wheel at all? It’s a time when people thinking about removing or lowering any shelves or platforms and just having a shallow ramp.
Yes, it's heartbreaking :( She won't go on her wheel now. She steps inside it and then back off. I have already removed the shelf in her cage because she can't manage going up the ramp now. I just want to make everything as nice as possible for her. I always have, but you know what I mean.

The thing she loves is coming out and over to me, knowing I'll lift her a we'll sit on the sofa while I give her a good pet. She can stay for a long as an hour doing that, so I figure she must enjoy it :)
It is indeed. You do hear of hamsters living to age 3 but I think it's not very common. The oldest one I've had was 2 years and 8 months.

It's lovely she enjoys cuddles with you. Are you thinking of having the substrate less deep if she's not particularly mobile? Also is she eating ok and her teeth ok? Sometimes they appreciate a bit of softened food or baby food when they get older.

She might also benefit from some pain relief if she isn't on it already. That would mean a vet visit to get some Metacam prescribed.
It's such a short time. It's so sad. I've been through this process with dogs, as that's what we had in our family when we we young, and it's heartbreaking to see them get weaker and not be like they used to be. This is my first hammy, and I feel the same about her as any dog we've had. When I say my, she was actually for my daughter, but she's mine now :)

She was never one for burrowing, despite my best efforts, so the substrate isn't high. She tends not to eat hamster food specifically now, but she does enjoy soft treats in moderation. It's difficult to get a look at her teeth these days because her appearances are less. Are there any signs to look out for that her teeth might be a problem? What kind of baby food would you recommend?

I am worried about taking her to a vet and the resulting stress it might cause her. We had to travel with her once and she was very, very stressed :(
I know - it’s hard isn’t it. At two years old they are about the equivalent of an 80 year old human - things start not working as well but the spirit is still there and they are kind of old and wise and more mellow. So there’s a nice side to them being older. The not so nice side is if any illness crops up.

Nutrition is quite important in older age as well so she will need a hamster specific mix. At this age she could do fine in science selective pelleted good which contains everything needed, and you can put a few pellets on a jar lid and soak them so they soften. Just add a tiny bit of water as they go quite mushy in about 5 minutes. Boiled kettle water and then let it cool. You can then give other things as extras - like the occasional half a walnut or pumpkin seeds for treats.

There’s a list of safe baby foods linked below.

I know what you mean about the worry of stress if taking them to the vets. Unfortunately it’s usually the only way to get the pain relief medication. But you could try phoning the vet and asking if they will prescribe Metacam or if they will do a video consultation or a consultation based on photos.
Baby foods. This is just an extra but they usually really like it. It’s not enough to feed on its own. Maybe a rounded teaspoonful a day.

I know - it’s hard isn’t it. At two years old they are about the equivalent of an 80 year old human - things start not working as well but the spirit is still there and they are kind of old and wise and more mellow. So there’s a nice side to them being older. The not so nice side is if any illness crops up.

Nutrition is quite important in older age as well so she will need a hamster specific mix. At this age she could do fine in science selective pelleted good which contains everything needed, and you can put a few pellets on a jar lid and soak them so they soften. Just add a tiny bit of water as they go quite mushy in about 5 minutes. Boiled kettle water and then let it cool. You can then give other things as extras - like the occasional half a walnut or pumpkin seeds for treats.

There’s a list of safe baby foods linked below.

I know what you mean about the worry of stress if taking them to the vets. Unfortunately it’s usually the only way to get the pain relief medication. But you could try phoning the vet and asking if they will prescribe Metacam or if they will do a video consultation or a consultation based on photos.
Yes, it's so hard. They bring so much joy and happiness and you feel helpless when they get old and all you can do is try to make them as comfortable as possible.

I know what you mean about a nice side to being older. She's really only started to enjoy cuddles when she's got older (too busy when she was younger).

I will give that a go with the pelleted food. I do treat her to pumpkin seeds and walnuts. I also give her the occasional piece of fruit - I know not too much with the sugar content. I will try her with some of those baby foods. Thanks :)

It would be ideal to get a video consultation. I didn't know they did those!