Heath issues


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Basically I have only recently noticed this my hamster is making clicking noises I don't understand why? I always clean her out and give her fresh food and water. Please help me and give me some advice

Many thanks Catherine
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Hello and welcome :-) How old is she please? Also is she fairly tame and you can handle her ok? There are different types of clicking noises :-) There are some that sound like a kind of chirrup as it they are upset or angry. There are others that are more breathing related and sound less verbal and more like hiccups - if that makes sense :-)

Do you have a video of her doing it? Having said that, it may be that you are perhaps cleaning her out a little bit too often or too much. And her clicking noises could be feeling upset or annoyed. There's a guide to cleaning tips on the home page - I'll link it below.

Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Is she an older hamster? Maybe 2 years or more? It does sound like it could be a respiratory issue but it might be something else. Sleeping more is a sign of getting older usually, but does she get up and eat and drink and do her usual hamstery things? Or does she sleep most of the time?
I think the hamster is still young tbh but not to sure
Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Is she an older hamster? Maybe 2 years or more? It does sound like it could be a respiratory issue but it might be something else. Sleeping more is a sign of getting older usually, but does she get up and eat and drink and do her usual hamstery things? Or does she sleep most of the time?
I think the hamster is still young, to be honest but not to sure.
I can't see the video but if she's clicking all the time or with every breath, it sounds like she needs to see a vet as she could have a respiratory infection or other health issue.
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To post a video, you need to upload it to youtube and then paste the youtube link in your message on here. After you click "post reply" the video will be embedded on your post and can be watched directly on the forum. You can set the video to "unlisted" when you upload it if you don't want it to be public. If it's unlisted, it only appears where you post the link (ie on here). If it's set to public, it can also be seen on youtube. Don't set it to private though or it won't show up on here :-)

If you're not sure of her age, how long have you had her?
I agree with Daisy there (posted at the same time).
If she does have a respiratory infection, she could need antibiotics, and those are hamster specific ones that can only be prescribed by a vet. Is there a PDSA in your area? They will treat hamsters if someone can't afford the vet fees.

How long have you had her? Because if it's not long, then a pet store you got her from can organise vet treatment too (if it was a pet store you got her from).

Did you manage to upload the video?