
Pumpkin seeds and dried mealworms so far. Also the little protein sticks in his food mix. I woke up to Henry wanting an interaction, and got to pet him. He melted and decided to just stay in his sand bath for a nap.

He's been spending the day there.

Sorry for all the posts, but it's just been a lot of fun with Henry all week. I finally tried the hamster safe chicken wrap, and he wasn't a fan at all. He pulled out a pouched seed and smacked on it instead.

Also, obligatory submarine Henry picture. He is always ready for breakfast without fail.

Not a Fan

Don’t apologise, love hearing all about Henry.

He’s so sweet & funny with the wrap, I think he’s saying this is real food with his seed!
Lovely photo of submarine Henry too, that little face 😍
Great look on his face on that photo :-) He looks like he's interacting with you and trying to say something. He's enjoying nibbling in the video :)
Aww, Henry has mastered that! What a clever idea to add bedding or tissue to the ball. That never occured to me and the treat would just fall out!
Henry is on the surface most of the time now, he mainly goes into his tunnel by the wheel just to tell me he's done with an interaction. Pretty smart since he's sleeping on the surface now, no confusing the human with the different varieties of flumps. He was sleeping on his wheel, 2nd favorite spot behind his corner. It's hard to put into words the joy and happiness when he's so excited to say hi, but his expression in this little video captures it well. As always we do treats together for a few minutes.

Plus I shared a picture of last night, I offered him some fresh veggies and he looked at me like "human time is over, you know the rule". I noticed I could feel his nails more distinctly than ever, hoping to get a better look tonight and see if he needs a trim.

Human is Here!


AllDoneHenry.jpgHenry Stands.PNG