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Higgins arrived today and is just under 7 weeks old (he's 7 weeks old in 2 days time). He's a yellow Syrian hamster and seems quite friendly and curious.

Here he is in his pet carrier today when he got home

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He's in a standard Savic Plaza with just under 6 inches of bedding at first as he's just come straight from sharing a cage with his boy siblings, so it's his first taste of independence and I'd like to suss out his personality as well. He's already done a bit of digging. I can add more substrate later.

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I decided to do a roof run as my previous Syrians have always loved that - it's somewhere else to go. It was a bit of fiddling about when setting up the cage, making sure there was access both ends and shelves were in the right place and everything was secure.

Here he is exploring the cage when he went in this afternoon. He's explored almost all of it and managed to squeeze himself behind the wheel and climb up a bit behind it but then carefully climbed down again when he realised there was a roof. He managed to squeeze himself in the small gap at the side of the house, after digging under the house and popping up next to the wheel. He had a bit of a shock when he found the bowl of water had water in :) He also sat and nibbled one of the sprays. You'll notice some of the bars have gone a bit rusty but there is perspex on the inside covering those rusty bits :)

He's been out quite a few times this evening doing more exploring and that was captured on the Hamstercam so more videos to follow. I love him already! He has such a sweet face and slightly brave cheekiness about him.

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He's a real little action ham! He can climb anything, get through any gap. An escape artist! He is a big boy, now you have two chunky hamsters❤️❤️ The roof run is such a good idea!
Congratulations Maz on Higgins arrival. He really is a beautiful looking boy with that stunning colouring to his coat.
Nice to see him out and about so much exploring his new home. Your set up looks great.
The name?? Inspired by Henry Higgins?
The name wasn’t really inspired by anything:-). It was in a list as a name and I thought it had a ring to it :) Just saw it as a name on its own. He’ll probably end up being called Higgy Higgy or something 🤣
I think Higgy actually sounds great, he seems too energetic and boisterous so far to be a Higgins. Didn't know you were getting another ham, congratulations on the new arrival!
Higgins arrived today and is just under 7 weeks old (he's 7 weeks old in 2 days time). He's a yellow Syrian hamster and seems quite friendly and curious.

Here he is in his pet carrier today when he got home

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He's in a standard Savic Plaza with just under 6 inches of bedding at first as he's just come straight from sharing a cage with his boy siblings, so it's his first taste of independence and I'd like to suss out his personality as well. He's already done a bit of digging. I can add more substrate later.

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I decided to do a roof run as my previous Syrians have always loved that - it's somewhere else to go. It was a bit of fiddling about when setting up the cage, making sure there was access both ends and shelves were in the right place and everything was secure.

Here he is exploring the cage when he went in this afternoon. He's explored almost all of it and managed to squeeze himself behind the wheel and climb up a bit behind it but then carefully climbed down again when he realised there was a roof. He managed to squeeze himself in the small gap at the side of the house, after digging under the house and popping up next to the wheel. He had a bit of a shock when he found the bowl of water had water in :) He also sat and nibbled one of the sprays. You'll notice some of the bars have gone a bit rusty but there is perspex on the inside covering those rusty bits :)

He's been out quite a few times this evening doing more exploring and that was captured on the Hamstercam so more videos to follow. I love him already! He has such a sweet face and slightly brave cheekiness about him.

He's lovely and has a cute curious expression
Thanks ilguy :-) I like both :-) I think Higgins suits him but Higgy will probably end up being a pet name along with all sorts of other things :)

It was his first day and they often are interested in exploring and then go a bit quiet, so we'll see what happens! He was up quite a lot of the evening yesterday. He also really likes the Bucatstate hide and sat in it a few times, plus he likes sitting on top of it :-) It's easy for him to access from the shelf, and sensibly he got down the same way rather than jumping off it (although it's not a big drop if he did).

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Here he is watching TV for ages along with OH :-) Edit the TV watching doesn't start till about 1 min 32 secs!

The nightcam then shows he didn't get up again until about 4.30am. He then explored every inch of the cage - probably looking to see if there was a way out! They usually do this the first night and then give up when they realise there's no way out. He stuck his nose in the sputnik to investigate it and then decided to climb on top of it and did some slight acrobatics to get down again. Which was quite clever of him :-) Again it's not a long drop to the cork log below if he had jumped. As the night went on he got bored with climbing up the rainbow bridge and pulled himself up onto the shelf :)

I think by then he had decided there was no way out of the cage and did some normal hamstering about.

About 5am he investigated the sputnik and roof run. By 5.30am he had investigated the wheel and spent the rest of the time till about 7am on and off the wheel and washing and eating :-) He doesn't seem too fussed about cucumber and only had a tiny nibble of it and left the rest.

The roof run bit is at about 0.37

Has a wash, runs in wheel (this was his second attempt - he was very slow in the wheel at first but he got faster).

So lots of exploring and testing things out and then started behaving like a hamster :-) Grooming, wheeling, eating and drinking. He seems average size for a baby hamster but seems quite long and bendy and can turn almost 90 degrees!
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Higgins certainly had a good time exploring everything. I am glad he likes the roof run as it does add something extra to the cage layout. My boys always liked it
Thank you Coco. And also Hank and Jain :)
It's so cute seeing him watching the TV! He and Tino must be having lively ultrasound chats!
Higgins came out about 8.30pm and went straight in his wheel. I saw him so went over to say hello and he froze and sat there for a good 10 minutes not moving a whisker. I talked to him a little bit. Still frozen. Eventually I left the room and once I’d left the room he came out of the wheel and shot back into his house. (Watched on the hamstercam).

So maybe needs a bit more adjustment 😊
He's been out on his wheel again this evening. He seems ok as long as no one goes over to him ha ha.
It's great that he's on a room where people are with him and can see and hear you 🐹
I've tried having a hamster in a different room and it was too easy to miss them coming out and they got less interaction, so yes I do like to have them in the living room. They soon get used to the life noises and TV.