

Dwarfie Days
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Again this is just about Pete not hamsters in general so to be clear definitely not giving any advice or suggestions. Being retired our holidays are taken quite regularly before we get to the zimmer frame stage, we considered this before bringing Pete into our lives sister in law agreed to happily take care of Pete whenever we go away it went well our 1st holiday 8 days with sil Pete carried on as though he was at home we took his cage, playpen etc 2nd time away only for 2 nights so my son and grandchildren came to check on/feed Pete each night they reported Pete came out to see them and took treats then went back into his den 3rd holiday 4 days this week sil was ill son is in Thailand so rather than cancel the short break my friend offered to have Pete I have seen photos and daily reports Pete is fine he has been asking to come out of his cage whenever my friend went near his cage so hes been on friends knees n sofa very active in playpen friend says Pete seems to be enjoying himself bearing in mind Pete had only met my friend briefly twice I think I have a hamster who loves a change he seems to be curious and shows no difference to his usual behaviour at home. Is Pete unique or is it because he has adapted to our routine from an early age I don't know but I'm pleased to say he is unphased and a happy little chappie wherever he is I'm sure I miss him more than he misses me.
Pete is obviously a happy hamster and enjoys his holiday time too. He must know you are coming back home and is very relaxed about it all 🐹💕

My son looks after Albert when we go away. Albert is fine with that and is always happy to see me when I get back home 🐹💕
Pete "wondering if I'm allowed on this sofa" Friend "wondering when he's going to be able to get his lunch" because Pete does have a tendency to appear at lunchtime and dinner time and supper time ☺️

It's lovely he's such a laid back hamster. As mentioned above, he'll know you're coming back and it'll feel temporary. Because you told him that :-) How long are you away for?
It's lovely he's such a laid back hamster. As mentioned above, he'll know you're coming back and it'll feel temporary. Because you told him that :) How long are you away for?
I'm home on Friday and I did stay with my friend all day Sunday to make sure Pete got used to his new surroundings before I came away Monday morning. Just rung for an update and he was heard on his wheel at 8-0-clock last night.
That made me laugh, Pete knows how to pick the right time!
It’s great he’s so easy going & happy with things, sounds like he enjoys your holidays, I’m sure he misses you really though.
I honestly think he enjoys people any age any gender he will go to anyone and let them pick him up but that's how he was with the family who bred him and both his parents he was handled from a very young age by them all.
Lovely photo of Pete. I'm sure Pete will be pleased to see you. I wonder if your friend will miss Pete when he goes home with you?
Yes I think there will be battle between my sister in law and friend as to who will get to have Pete next holiday both really do enjoy having him think I will have to give Pete the casting vote 😀
Yes I think there will be battle between my sister in law and friend as to who will get to have Pete next holiday both really do enjoy having him think I will have to give Pete the casting vote 😀
You'll have to go on more holidays Jain so your sister in law and friend can have equal share of looking after Pete 😉
It’s so cute that Pete is happy and relaxed, even when you are away. They are all so different and it’s truly fabulous he’s so accepting of his careers whilst you’re on holiday. Kinda makes it nice for you to know he’s all good 😊. Ham was lucky to have my mum. She spends a lot of time with us so I think he grew used to her voice and when we went away for 7+ days, we would take his cage to her house and they’d have a great holiday together.