How to weigh a Hamster


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Hamster weight is an indication of health or loss of health. Vets usually recommend you weigh your hamster quite regularly. Some people say once a week but personally I don't think this is necessary when a hamster is active and well. But weighing them occasionally gives you the chance to see if their weight has remained stable, whether they have had too many treats and gained a bit too much! And signifcant loss of weight can be a sign of ill health. You would normally notice a hamster getting thinner, but not always, because they're so furry. It's fairly normal for older hamsters to lose a bit of weight and get leaner, but then it just needs keeping an eye on.

There are various ways to weigh a hamster, but often hamsters don't like it and find it stressful. For example, vets sometimes pop them in a glass jar on the scales (then deduct the weight of the jar). I know my robo absolutely hated that and found it stressful.

I find the easiest way to weigh a hamster, that doesn't cause them any stress, is to use flatbed digital weighing scales. Kitchen scales are fine. I've had these for some time now and they're great for weighing hamsters.

The scales themselves need to be on a hard surface or they can register incorrectly. Eg a table, a hard floor in a playpen. Not on carpet. I put a book on the carpet first to give a hard surface and put the scales on the book.

You just put a tempting, smelly treat on the scales - eg cucumber. And then zero them. While the hamster is out - eg in the playpen. The hamster goes to get the smelly treat and conveniently sits on the scales eating it usually! So then you can read their weight.


IMG_1718 jpeg.jpeg
Im just not quick enough.but so pleased with his weight gain.. :giggle:

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So sorry I just accidentally deleted your photo! Could you add it again and I'll put it back!
That's great! He even looks bigger on that photo :-) It's great he is thriving so quickly.
It is the diet change Maz... thank you for that advice...the added protein .. a piece of chicken every day... just fingernail size... When I was a kid.. I learned they were vegetarian... never offered meat at all... cheese and a bit of egg now and then... he eats the chicken there and then in front of me.... so thank you...

p.s. his pouch is empty .. id just placed him on the tray... ( even though there is a seed spray in a bowl in shot.. he'd not just filled up !! )
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It's probably a bit of both - diet and feeling he has the right home and environment :-)
I have never been able to get a hamster to sit on the scales, maybe because the species I keep are quicker than Syrians any treat would be gone long before the scales had time to register anything!
I use a large mug or the taxi tube, with the tube I usually weigh them when I’m getting them out to go into the playpen.
The tube I use is a fairly large (for the size of hamster) cardboard tube with a piece of card firmly taped over one end so when the tube is on the end on the scales there’s no way they can get out, it only takes a second or two to get the weight then I just subtract the weight of the tube.
Otherwise I just do the same thing with a large mug or something similar, this tends to work better with the Russians than the Chinese as they aren’t so fast & are usually quite happy to sit in it with a treat for the few moments it takes.
yeah maybe taxi with food in and camera ready ...My lock screen kicks in too quickly ... I will adjust :)
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