I am Grommit

Gromit is absolutely gorgeous! Definitely very fluffy. Yes he is a long haired syrian hamster. I'm not sure of the colouring exactly but he looks like a golden banded colour, maybe mixed with another colour :)

I know we've not been on for a while, hope everyone's well.

So, Grommit is doing very well, nothing has changed for him, but, he's decided every night he will bite the bars as soon as he wakes. He has lots of enrichment in his cage, he still goes to his playpen every night
( if only to stop him biting the cage)

What can I do? Should we rearrange his cage?
Hello. Aw Grommit what are you up to? What time does he wake? Is this mid to late evening? They sometimes do that to let you know they want to come out. Raffy used to do it as soon as he saw me, if I didn't let him out straight away. But he didn't bar bite any other time.

If it's not that - have there been any other changes that could have stressed him? eg if he's just had a clean out, or the cage moved to a different location? Also check his wheel is spinning ok and his water bottle letting water out ok - they sometimes do this to get attention if something is wrong in the cage - eg wheel jammed up or water bottle not working.

He's OK, it's as soon as he wakes around 930pm
Wheel is fully working, not moved him or cleaned him out, water is changed daily and all fine.
He used to like to come out every other night, now its as soon as he wakes. He's liking being cuddled now too, climbs up the door once it's opened into our hands. We don't transport him to his playpen in his tube any more either. He is carried 😊
Everything with him is perfect, except the biting of the bars. Maybe it is that he loves coming out so much!! X
I think that’s it - it’s just his way of saying let me out now 😊