I Love You Piper! I'll Miss You

Hammie Heart

Hamster Fanatic
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Hello, I really don't wanna type this, but...

This Monday, our beloved dog Piper was put down after a massive seizure Friday night. We knew that it was her time afterward the seizure because she was not eating and was drinking then vomiting the liquid back up. She was also sleeping A LOT. We had her cremated today so that she will always be with us if we move. We received the ashes this afternoon.

My family and I are deeply grieving, although a have a little peace because I know she went to doggy heaven and will have a peaceful life in eternity, and my brother Tim will greet her with open arms.

I will miss you, Piper.

Hammie Heart ❤️
I'm so sorry Hammie Heart. Thoughts for you and your family 🫂
It’s always so sad to lose a dear friend 💔 I sill miss my dog who passed away 18 months ago. Sending love ❤️
So sorry to read this Hammie Heart. Caring thoughts are with you and your family. 🌈
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