I think my older hamster had a stroke


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Hi, I have a 3 year old hamster named Morty. Over the last week he seems to not be eating as much. Last night I noticed him in the corner of his cage very very wobbly. I picked him up and held him for a while and he just sat there with his eyes closed and panting. He always lets me hold him but he never acts like that. He bit me extremely hard, which he has never done he is EXTREMELY friendly. Today, he is not burrowing, and still not drinking any water, he may eat a piece of food once in a while but I think he is just so wobbly that he can’t. I’ve tried bringing food and water to him but he just wobbles away from me. Today, he is no longer allowing me to pet him, then again hold him as he yells, which again, he has never ever made that noise before. I don’t want to stress him out even more by trying to get him in a carrier and to a vet. He also seems much thinner. Has anyone experienced this? Should I take him to a vet or let him go in his own cage? Help :(
Hello and welcome. Morty is an amazing age. Three is really old for a hamster. Is he a Syrian Hamster? It's difficult to know whether he could have had a stroke or just some other kind of organ failure due to old age. Sometimes they can start to get heart failure or kidney failure. But sadly it is due to his age by the sound of it. If he bit you then that suggests he was in pain or suffering. Likewise if he yells if you try to hold him.

This is a really difficult time. If he is not eating or drinking or doing any normal hamstery things, and has some pain, then his quality of life is not good. Sometimes people give Metacam (pain relief) in old age. That is something that could be tried, but it would need a vet visit before a vet would prescribe it usually. And that could stress him and cause him further upset. Also he may refuse to take it

It does sound to me like he may need to be helped on his way, just to prevent pain and suffering. Sometimes people wait in case the hamster is near the end, and it's possible he may pass in his nest. But other times they can go on like this for quite some time and the suffering is prolonged. I wouldn't wait more than another day or so if he doesn't pass naturally.

It's hard if you can't comfort him or hold him. Is he in his nest resting at the moment? If so, maybe see how he is in the morning. With helping them on their way, it's sometimes the kindest thing you can do. And although that means taking them to the vets, it's so they can have relief from suffering.

For now, maybe move his food and water closer to his house/nest so he doesn't have to go far to get them.
Obviously I haven't seen him, but it sounds to me like you should maybe be thinking about getting a vet appointment tomorrow and the vet can help him on his way. Sometimes it's the kindest thing to do. The other thing he could have is some kind of internal tumour, hence pain and weight loss and if it's that, the pain is very bad.
Hello & welcome.
I’m sorry to hear this, 3 is a great age for any hamster but sadly at this age these things do happen, it is possible your ham has had a stroke but it sounds from his behaviour as though he is very likely in pain as well as just being wobbly & struggling to eat or drink, when a normally placid friendly hamster acts like this it is a sign that pain or illness is making them feel very vulnerable.
It is hard but I think it would be best to see if your vet can help him at all or if it may be time to help him on his way so he can be pain free & not suffering.
I know how hard this decision is having had to do it myself a few times over the years but we have to do what is kindest for them.
Thank you so much everyone. I took him to the vet this morning and put him to rest. ❤️
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Hello, I’m so sorry to hear Morty has passed away to the rainbow bridge 🌈 Three is a fabulous age for him to have lived too, he must’ve had a lovely life and will leave you with lots of special memories to cherish. Sorry for your loss, sending caring thoughts your way.
Monty is at peace now, he had a wonderful long life with you & I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that you have done your best for him & shown him so much love until the end, I’m really sorry for your loss, I do know how hard it is & my thoughts are with you.
Run free & play well at the bridge Monty 🌈 ❤️
There's a Rainbow Bridge Section on here if you felt like making a little memorial for him :-) Sometimes a little ceremony or planting something helps as well, to help move on. It can be very hard for us when they're gone.