Immune booster for sick hamster


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Hi, Ponyo 2nd got scabies from mites bite right now and already done with some medication by vet. Actually i feel bad looking at her and want to boost her immune to help her get more better faster. Is there any food / vitamin to boost hamster immune? She is eat and drink well
Small amounts of a variety of fresh vegetables and herbs are very good, salads too, such as parsley. I also like to give Socks sprouted sunflower seeds, well washed, with the water changed every day so they don't get mouldy while growing. Socks will eat mature cheddar in tiny amounts to boost his protein intake. I think hamsters can eat small amounts of tofu as well. Linseeds are good for hamsters, and ground hemp seed if he will eat them. Socks will eat a piece of well cooked macaroni too for protein.
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Flaxseed (linseed) is always good to give with any skin condition so a pinch of those a day will help, I use evening primrose oil too with good effect, just a drop a day.
Fresh veg are good as Socks mum said, just a small amount daily.
I wouldn’t give starchy food like macaroni personally as it won’t give any additional nutritional benefit.
As long as the general diet is good that should be enogh really.
I do give mine a tiny bit of bee pollen too which is really good for them but not all hams like it.
I'd second/third the flax seeds :) Daily veg is also good but really only a very small piece each day - it's all they need and if they eat too much veg it could cause diarrhoea - or just get hoarded and go rotten. We usually say "a piece no bigger than their ear" to give a guideline of size :) But yes variety - a different veg each day is good. Hemp seeds apparently contain most vitamins and minerals so I like to give those. Brazil nuts contain immune boosting substances but as with everything, not too much. So maybe half a brazil nut a week.

elusive's bee pollen as a supplement sounds great - if you can get it :)

There are various herbs that can help but my past experience of that is the hamsters don't like them :-)
Thanks a lot Socks Mom, Elusive, and Maz. She got her favorite baby food for awhile and also a small piece of fresh veggies. Yeah, we gave her flaxseed / linseed before however Ponyo 2nd didnt touch it. How do you use the primrose oil? Mixes it into the seedmix / water drink? Or do we drop it into hamster mouth with spuit?

As the bee pollen, its shall be a natural without any sugar added, am i right?

For herbs, we put some int her cage but the amount of herbs still remain same. Thanks, i will try to find the Brazillian Nut. Hopefully Ponyo 2nd can recover faster with additional food booster

Thanks a lot all
I think the evening primrose oil you just drop onto food (or baby food). Maybe try hemp seeds - they are good as contain the vitamins and minerals and have other health benefits.