Is this sand safe?


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I researched online so i know that i should be buying unscented bathing SAND, not dust, but is the sand here too fine? The packaging is labelled sand.1000007096.jpg1000007097.jpg

i once forgot n accidentally left the sand in my hamsters cage overnight (i usually only leave it in for 5-10 minutes) and their bathing made me have an asthma attack, and im not sure if my breathing is just bad in general or if the sand is too fine and will give my hamsters respiratory problems as well. if it isnt the best sand to be giving them could i have some recommendations? thank you.
Sand can be kept in the hamsters cage permanently. This means they can use it whenever they wish to. If you reacted to the sand then it sounds like it was very dusty and would not be suitable for hamsters.

This says 'antibacterial' so I suspect they have added something to the sand which could be why it triggered your asthma. Does it have a list of ingredients on the packet?

You can use reptile sand that does not have added calcium. I use a sand called Komodo but I am not sure if it is available for you.
It does sound as though that sand is too dusty & maybe as Rainbow said has some other antibacterial substance added to it so I wouldn’t use it.
You would probably be best looking for the reptile sand Rainbow suggested.