Keep hamsters alive during hot summer


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I live in a share house in London, my bedroom is very hot during summer and is where my hamster is. How you guys keep your little friend well and healthy during summer time that are getting hotter and hotter in UK without air conditioner?
I am in the same situation as you. I also live in London. Some ideas are to put any ceramic hides or a mug in the fridge and once its cold you can put it in the cage. You could put the sand in the fridge and add that once its cold. Refresh the water your hamster drinks. Keep your blinds or curtain closed.
It was very hot this summer.
I aired the house early morning then closed the windows and blinds or curtains to keep the daytime heat out.
I have large ceiling fans which i switched on on a low setting but found that the hamsters didn't like the breeze from a fan so only used them when it got to over 30C.
Some people always keep a ceramic mug or hide in the fridge then exchange it with a similar one in the cage. My hamsters got annoyed with the disturbance and didn't use the mugs.
They did like a chilled ceramic tile on top of their house and would sit on it to groom and chill. I always kept one in the fridge to exchange it with.
I gave them a chilled piece of cucumber or water melon during the day and some hamster made a nest out in the open.
I've also placed ice packs from the freezer wrapped in a dish towel near their cages but never inside. The ones used for cooling bags.
All our six hamsters came through the summer without any ill effects.
You've had lots of tips above. Have a window open (not that it makes a lot of difference when it's very hot). A fan can really help with the air (but not close to the hamster cage). Keeping something ceramic in the cage. Terracotta plant pot bases, ceramic mugs etc. And rotating them in the fridge. Some people put a bag of frozen peas on top of the cage. Obviously you need to keep refreezing them a few times so doubt they are edible afterwards!