
I wasn’t sure if Liriél likes broccoli or not, it’s hard to tell if she’d had a little nibble or not when she’s had it but I was doing a bit of secret filming from across the room the other evening & I think her reaction says it all!

I wasn’t sure if Liriél likes broccoli or not, it’s hard to tell if she’d had a little nibble or not when she’s had it but I was doing a bit of secret filming from across the room the other evening & I think her reaction says it all!

Lovely video! Leo reacts like that too with foods he doesn't like. Sometimes he acts like I'm trying to poison him!
Leo reacts like that too with foods he doesn't like. Sometimes he acts like I'm trying to poison him!
They certainly make their feelings known! The worst I had was when Zak was young & I gave him some porridge as a nice treat, if looks could kill I’d be long gone!

I don’t think Liriél was scared at all, more like a bit disgusted!
Just had my first whisker kisses, one of my favourite things ❤️

It’s the firstt ime in a few days that she’s done her usual thing of having lots of treats early when she’s more interested in eating & pouching then going off to hide everything then coming back out for a run around eightish, she’s much more interactive & a bit less zoomy then once the important business of stashing all the food is done!
She had a little time in the playpen again, still nervous but I think she enjoyed it, once she was back in the cage we did lots of climbing into tubes & pouches & out over my hands & sticking her little nose in my face!
How lovely whisker kisses, what a lovely surprise, sounds like taming and settling in is going really well. Great reaction to the broccoli…… that’s a no then. 😆