Merlin - The smol wizard


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Coming from the introductions thread I decided to follow Maz's advice and create a thread here.

His first night he was very active running around like a mad man and loving his wheel <3 he's a very active boy which is good to see :)

Sprays had finally finished their freezing period so I put a few in this afternoon with some dried herbs/flowers. As soon as I closed the lid he poked his head out and had a forage around <3 I think he's very happy with them.

He doesn't seem phased by my partner or me which is surprising lol I attempted to hand him a seed yesterday as he was so brave but of course its way too early really so he ran back in his safety log so I'll leave that to try again in a couple of weeks.

Happy foraging ham (sorry the quality isn't great) :

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Merlin has wonderful things in his lovely hammy home! He looks very comfortable in the Bucatstate. Lots of places for him to explore and put stashes of food into.
I'm so glad he seems happy and relaxed :giggle:. I deffo recommend the Bucatstate! It looks great and has loads of room; I was orginally recommend it by a friend who has a Syrian hammy and by the looks of it a lot of people online also recommend it ^^. The only thing I had a slight issue with was the little window you can open at the front. It was a little flimsy and would get stuck sometimes. We decided to not use it in the end and just enter the enclosure from the top instead.
He's really enjoying nibbling things and his environment in those videos :) Lovely photos too. Yes it's a great enclosure :-) Shame the front door feels a bit flimsy. A lot of people like that door!
Yeah it's a shame but thankfully the enclosure isn't high up so we can access everything easily enough ☺️
Merlin’s home looks lovely, great to see him out exploring and enjoying his sprays 🙂
Thank you so much everyone <3 I hope it's good enough for him! I haven't heard a peep from him today but the weather is pretty warm here currently so it's probably cooler in his burrow. I saw him running around last night so I hope he's ok! I feel like such a parent always worrying about him :ROFLMAO:
Yes they are our babies! bless them! I'm up a bit later tonight and he's out chilling in his sand bath :giggle: it's been a warm day and it's slightly warmer tomorrow so I think I'll pop the sand bath in the fridge tomorrow during the day so it's nice and cool for him later on.
I will admit I think i rearranged the enclosure at least 10 times before I got Merlin :ROFLMAO:

He's been doing well and I've had him home for nearly a week now. His personality is really starting to shine through <3 He loves digging around and washing in his sand bath. He makes me laugh when he's squishing into the corners of the sandbath and rolling around in it like a fluffy ball. I may have to consider getting him a bigger sandbath in the future as he loves it so much.

Hopefully I can get a video of him in the sandbath at the weekend! (I don't want to disturb him too much yet)
What a lovely home and I love his name! So cute!
Coming from the introductions thread I decided to follow Maz's advice and create a thread here.

His first night he was very active running around like a mad man and loving his wheel <3 he's a very active boy which is good to see :)

Sprays had finally finished their freezing period so I put a few in this afternoon with some dried herbs/flowers. As soon as I closed the lid he poked his head out and had a forage around <3 I think he's very happy with them.

He doesn't seem phased by my partner or me which is surprising lol I attempted to hand him a seed yesterday as he was so brave but of course its way too early really so he ran back in his safety log so I'll leave that to try again in a couple of weeks.

Happy foraging ham (sorry the quality isn't great) :

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Hello everyone

Apologies for being quiet recently; life has been very busy!

Merlin is doing very well and he went in the playpen for the first time yesterday. I was worried it would stress him but he seemed to love exploring and running around. He's still not too happy about being touched or just hands in general though. He will happily take a treat and is not phased by me being around him or talking to him. In fact he tends to come running out his burrow when I open the door now. I hope one day I'll be able to pick him up with my hands but for now he likes to be transported by his terra cotta pot :)

I've learnt a lot about him the last couple of weeks and he's such an active boy! He loves to forage and explore, spends hours on his wheel and enjoys a long bath in the sand. Sometimes I've seen him fall asleep and lie down in the sandbath at night time lol. He LOVES wheat sprays and broccoli (such a healthy boy!) and will go mad for them :ROFLMAO:

Some recent vids of him:

Oh my goodness. Lovely to see Merlin. He is so cute and active. Loving that green bean and the wheat and he's very active in the playpen. If it's just his first time then I'm sure you can gradually get him used to being handled while he's in the playpen. It can be time and patience. Maybe start by having your hand flat on the floor in the playpen and see if he walks over it or avoids it. If he avoids it then next time have some treats on your hand. Once they get used to walking on a stationary hand, then you can progress to slightly lifting the hand and let him walk off. Then a bit more another time. Then offering him another palm to walk on so he walks hand to hand. I'm sure you'll get there :-)
Yeah that's the plan! I'm going to try to get him out the enclosure more as he loves to run around so much anyway and see if he'll run over my hands or takes treats from my palm :) (finger crossed). He let me stroke him twice while eating wheat once but hasn't let me since. Hopefully a bit more patience and we'll get there!
That's real progress if he let you stroke him :-)
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Well that's great to hear xD hopefully he'll let me again soon. Don't want to push it too much though; One day at a time :D
I think he deffo enjoyed his first time outside the enclosure :D he's so timid but brave at the same time lol