Beautiful mixture of colours in the first video, his checked dish, green bean and fur ! He is such a cute little fellow, and active! It's good to take them about in a jar or tube as even very tame hamsters can suddenly flip and jump out of your hands. They can ping and fall, which is disastrous.
Thank you everyone! <3 I agree with transporting in a jar/tube/cup; even if they fully trust you its possible to accidently loosen your grip and they start wiggling (plus I'm a little clumsy to be honest).
Yes he absolutely loves his sprays and foraging! I've brought him some more dried flowers and flax sprays so hopefully they will arrive soon.
I had to go away for a couple days as it was my best friends wedding, my partner was able to keep an eye on him and springle his seed mix around the enclosure before he left to join me. I got back earlier today and it seems he was busy overnight I found one of the oat sprays pulled out the ground as he tried to take the whole thing into his burrow lol he's very determind once he wants something
I have some big news! Merlin actually climbed onto my hand and sat on my palm while eating his daily seed mix this morning! He even gently nibbled me to make sure he didn't bite me. I can't believe it finally happened
Well I put some new flax seed sprays into the enclosure this morning and well I think they went down well! He found them and started devouring them instantly :'D
Great videos of Merlin, he's adorable. So exciting to hear he sat in your hand to eat some of his seed mix, that's such a special moment, sounds like he's settling in really well
Such a hamstery thing, to try and drag a while spray into his burrow, funny
I found lots of excitement with the flax seed sprays the first time I placed them in the enclosure. Then when they realised they are going to be a regular thing they stopped devouring them in one go and just take a little at a time.
He hasn't had Flaxseed for a while so I agree he was probably very excited xD he was ripping the sprays down haha; Never stays neat and tidy with him around :'D such a determined little one. I think he went back to that spray 4 times yesterday!
Aw, he's so adorable and looks like he's doing great! My little ham loves hunting for flax sprays, hiding them around the enclosure for him to find is one of his favorite things in the world.
I've never seen a ham go for flax sprays in moderation, they must be that tasty to them
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