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My beautiful girl


Hamster Guardian
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I thought I would share my late guinea pig with you all and tell you her story.

I happened to spot an advert were somebody was selling a guinea pig for £5 and said their child was bored of her. Something urged me to get her. I already had two guinea pigs and thought a trio would be nice. I went to meet the person and they took me to their car were their wife and children were waiting with the guinea pig. The children were about 2 and a baby so she was actually the pet of a toddler. They handed her to me from a wet cardboard box. I asked some questions like what her favourite food was. They were shocked and said she just gets potato peelings and scraps.

Anyway, I took her home and checked her over. She seemed okay and soon after she was bonded with my pair were she quickly became leader as she was had a very strong personality. Throughout her time with me she always lived with multiple guinea pigs but when it came to her and one guinea pig I realised she did not actually like company and wanted to be alone. The poor guinea pig kept trying to stay with her and Sophie became stressed. I knew I was not going to get any more guinea pigs and made the hard decision to give the remaining guinea pig to my friend who had a lone guinea pig who recently lost his friend. I knew she would be loved and well looked after although it was still painful. I had to do this as both of my guinea pigs were unhappy.

From what day Sophie changed. She was so happy. She always used to have a little run where she would skip and this increased. We have always had a special bond and she would spend time with me every single day but this then increased to two or three times a day. She would stand up against her cage and want me to pick her up when she saw me. I could never resist her. I loved our time together. It was just amazing. We cuddled, listened to music and watched programmes. Sophie was eight years old when I lost her and I honestly do not think I have ever recovered. I miss her so badly and thought you all may like to see some pictures of her. :)

Here she is relaxing with me. She has a feugreek crunchie that she was nibbling on.


I got a necklace made of her and she is posing with it. :)

This is her smiling. She had such a cute, happy face when she smiled.


Last picture. Her wearing her princess crown. It was just my own hair band that I placed on her.
Aw Rainbow - I can see how much you loved her and she looks so happy and loved. I felt the same way about our first hamster Charlie. Gorgeous photos.
Aw Rainbow - I can see how much you loved her and she looks so happy and loved. I felt the same way about our first hamster Charlie. Gorgeous photos.
Thank you so much. It is so nice you can tell how much I loved her. :)
That is a wonderful tale about Sophie. She looks gorgeous in the photos. A very happy and well loved piggie.
I have a huge soft spot for piggies and still think of our last one from nearly 20 years ago. But the memories become only good ones with time
That is a wonderful tale about Sophie. She looks gorgeous in the photos. A very happy and well loved piggie.
I have a huge soft spot for piggies and still think of our last one from nearly 20 years ago. But the memories become only good ones with time
Oh thank you Coco. That is such a lovely thing to say. I feel piggies leave a wonderful lasting impression.😀
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What a lovely story. Thanks for sharing it. Sophie was so lucky to find you, and you her. All pets are special but some of them just capture your heart.
What a lovely story. Thanks for sharing it. Sophie was so lucky to find you, and you her. All pets are special but some of them just capture your heart.
Thank you so much Daisy. I really was so very lucky to have her. :)
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Awe look at her little face. Sounds like she didn't come from the best of places. Sophie must have thought she was in piggy heaven on Earth. 😍
Awe look at her little face. Sounds like she didn't come from the best of places. Sophie must have thought she was in piggy heaven on Earth. 😍
Aw thank you so much. She was such a happy and content girl.😀